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Sau Po Centre on Ageing, HKU

2/F, Hong Kong Jockey Club Building for Interdisciplinary Research, 5 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
College & University



Tel: (852) 2831 5210 Fax: (852) 2540 1244 Website: The Sau Po Centre on Ageing aims to become a leading research centre on gerontology in greater China and in the Asian Pacific region. Through its research, education and knowledge exchange activities, the Centre is enhancing the quality-of-life of older people in greater China, oversea Chinese societies and in the Asian Pacific region.



Public Forum When Zurich meets HK: Working together towards the WHO Decade of Healthy Aging 2020 – 2030 Date: October 25, 2017 (Wednesday) Time: 9:30a.m. – 12:30p.m. Venue: Wang Gungwu Theatre, Graduate House, The University of Hong Kong Registration: The University of Zurich and the University of Hong Kong are at the forefront of the WHO’s push for a 2020-2030 “Decade of Healthy Aging”. It is based on the new concept of healthy aging co-developed at the University of Zurich and published in the first World Report on Ageing and Health (2015). This new concept represents a paradigm shift in international thinking about aging and health. Instead of focusing on illness symptoms alone, it puts the functional abilities of aging individuals in their real life environments on the center stage. It requires innovative ways to measure healthy aging in real life environments and provides a framework for systematically tailoring and incentivizing individualized healthy aging interventions to improve real life functioning on a population and global scale. The public forum will focus on the strategic importance and opportunity of joint leadership between the two universities to use our research capability to promote healthy aging in both Europe and Asia. It will highlight the opportunities of combining high-level expertise on big health data with state-of-the-art conceptual frameworks, allowing to determine on the population scale how our environments can be designed to maximize opportunities for healthy aging in both regions and worldwide. Keynote Speakers include: Professor Michael Hengartner, President of University of Zurich Professor Peter Mathieson, President and Vice-Chancellor of The University of Hong Kong Dr. Lam Ching Choi, BBS, JP, Chairman of Elderly Commission Professor Mike Martin, Professor of Gerontopsychology and Gerontology, University of Zurich Professor Terry Lum, Henry G Leong Professor in Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong Round table discussion on the roles of universities in promoting healthy aging. Participants include scholars from the University of Zurich and The University of Hong Partner event of Zürich meets Hong Kong – A festival of Two Cities:

香港大學公共衞生學院現正邀請長者參與一項為期四年的大型的流感疫苗研究。參與的長者每年會被分配接種四種之其中一款流感疫苗,研究會分析長者對不同疫苗接種模式及較新款疫苗的免疫反應,從而找出對年長者最適切的流感疫苗接種策略。 * 費用全免 * 參與者可獲得一次免費身體檢查 * 參與者可獲得超級市禮劵以作車費津貼 歡迎年齡介乎68至82歲人仕參加! 有關詳情及報名方法,請瀏覽

香港大學秀圃老年研究中心推出六小時網上學習課程! 無論你係照顧者、義工 、學生、護理人員或專業人士,都可以隨時隨地輕鬆學習。 想 增強照顧和復康技巧?想了解如何支援受影響的家庭? 請即報讀「風起航」: 支援中風家庭證書課程! 報名網址:

2nd International Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) Conference & Pre-Conference Training Course Pre-conference 1-Day CST Training Course Date / Time: 30 November, 2017 (Thu); Exact time to be confirmed Venue: The University of Hong Kong CST Conference Date / Time : 1 December, 2017 (Fri) 9:30 am - 5:15 pm 2 December, 2017 (Sat) 9:30 am - 12:30 pm Venue: Wang Gungwu Theatre, The University of Hong Kong Abstract Submission accepted until 15 September 2017 Early Bird Rates end on 30 September 2017 Details & Registration: Following the success of the first conference in London in 2015, we are pleased to present you the 2nd International Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) Conference, to be held on 1-2 December, this year in Hong Kong. Now being offered in the majority of UK memory clinics and in over 24 countries, CST is an evidence-based intervention for enhancing cognition and quality of life in people with dementia. It is a non-pharmacological intervention recommended in the UK National Clinical Practice Guideline and the World Alzheimer’s Report. International researchers are working to advance this intervention to help people with dementia and their family. The 2nd International CST Conference brings together scholars in this area to share the current science and practice in CST. Together with a full-day pre-conference CST training on 30 November, the event is tailored for researchers and practitioners from multiple disciplines including social work, psychology, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, nursing, geriatric medicine, psychiatry, and other related professionals. A session on CST research network meeting is included, for researchers and clinicians interested in this topic to form collaborative academic networks. For more information and registration, please visit We look forward to seeing you at the Conference.

【新屋邨 • 辛生活?】 近年落成的公屋,一般位處偏遠地區。「先入伙.後增資源」的規劃令首批入伙的居民缺乏支援,其中幼童及長者尤其無助。針對父母在幼童教養和托管,長者社會聯繫和人際網絡幾方面,今期Future Camp港未來 • 實驗營誠邀你一同探討新公共屋邨有甚麼營商機遇,能協助他們適應環境。 參加者還可親身落區考察居民生活情報,並向社創企業取經! 立即報名: 截止日期: 2017年9月8 日(五)

鄰舍輔導會在觀塘、深水埗和馬鞍山開辦了4間非政府資助的長者活動中心,亦將於今年9月30日(星期六)在九龍區賣旗籌款。 鄰舍輔導會歡迎大家一同做賣旗義工,為區內長者出一分力: 個人、家庭及朋友: 公司、團體及學校: #鄰舍輔導會

「風起航:中風家庭支援行動」 上門家庭支援 為您分憂解難 歡迎您致電查詢(2831-5209),或瀏覽:

中風有機會令患者出現不同程度的吞嚥困難,聖雅各福群會推出首個家居軟餐「盛饌」,為有吞嚥困難的朋友提供多個選擇。 「風起航」團隊試食之後都覺得幾好食,一菜一肉配搭亦都提供到足夠營養。如果照顧者有興趣一試,可以瀏覽:

「風起航」團隊大合照! 三間協辦機構與中風家庭一起乘風破浪,再次起航!

Invitation to Join the Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project Public Forum on Age-friendly Transportation Sau Po Centre on Ageing at the University of Hong Kong cordially invites you to join the Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project - Public Forum on Age-Friendly Transportation at the Large Moot Court, 2/F Cheng Yu Tung Tower, Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong at 1:00pm on 4th August, 2017. Initiated and funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust in 2015, the Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project aims to transform Hong Kong into an age-friendly city suitable for dwellers of all age. With the rapid ageing population in Hong Kong, significant changes of public transport services can be foreseen. To heighten awareness of various sectors towards public transport for elders, Sau Po Centre on Ageing is organizing a public forum for stakeholders to brainstorm and exchange ideas. The event will feature a few speeches, followed by a panel discussion. Under the main theme of age-friendly transportation, speakers will share their knowledge, latest development, and vision of transport services for elders. We are looking forward to hearing your feedback and recommendations that facilitate development of age-friendly transport service in Hong Kong. Service providers, experts, academics, and the general public including elders are welcome to join. To confirm your attendance, please visit to complete the registration online or for further information please visit or contact Mr. Matthew Yeung at 2831-5175 or via email at

Join US! Building Hong Kong Sustainable for Intergenerational Support! For more details, please visit


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