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Outside The Box

38430 5th ave, Zephyrhills, United States
Local Business



a boutique filled with artist crafters and creative souls Our store offers beautifully creative restored furniture, art and accessories. We will provide custom work as well as workshops and diy stencil rentals. We will be carrying Fusion Mineral paints in the very very near future.


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It's not reflected in this month's schedule but this class is currently available.

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Photos from Outside The Box's post

Here is my latest project. It will be in the store for sale in Monday.

Photos from Outside The Box's post

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Me n Kathe

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Me n harry

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Mother's Day is right around the corner so come on in to find the perfect gift for Mom!

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Check out the May calendar of classes! Inspiration pictures for our paint parties are shown below. You must pre book to participate in any of our classes by either coming into the stores to reserve your spot or you can call 8137151568.

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Stop in today and see all our new and exciting vendors , some of our spaces have sales happening, and we have everything you can imagine when it comes to art and crafting. If we don't have it someone here can make it! while you're here grab a bite to eat at Creative Soul's Cafe.

Outside The Box's cover photo

Outside The Box's cover photo

Outside The Box's cover photo

Outside The Box's cover photo

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Outdoor sale today at the store clearance time Marking room for new vendors and new merchandise. Come in and save some $$$

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Tonight's painting class

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I'm back from my mini vacation rejuvenated and refreshed ready to take on all the projects ahead of our amazing stores. We are launching the cafe soon and our stores are filling up fast with awesome new vendors. If you are looking to start your art or craft space stop in to see me. We have just a few spaces left. We are also going to start taking applications for sales and restaurant staff this week stop in for an application.


NEAR Outside The Box