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City of Yuba City, Local Government

1201 Civic Center Blvd, Yuba City, United States
Government Organization



Welcome to the City of Yuba City's Official Facebook Page, your source for the latest updates on upcoming activities, events, projects and more! While only minutes from the California State Capitol in Sacramento, Yuba City’s unique location benefits both businesses and residents and offers a quality, family-oriented lifestyle.  The Feather River borders the City to the East and the City's western horizon is dominated by the Sutter Buttes, popularly believed to be the smallest mountain range in the world.

The City has a diversity of businesses and professional services including the largest dried fruit processing plant in the world, Sunsweet Growers Incorporated.  Although Yuba City’s roots are agriculturally based, it’s location near the state capitol and Beale Air Force base have made it a regional hub attracting entrepreneurs, manufacturers and green technology companies.

In addition to Yuba Community College, a center of excellence, three universities are within an hour’s drive – UC Davis, Cal State Sacramento and Cal State Chico, each offering research and development, entrepreneur and innovation programs as well as numerous Venture Capital and Angel Capital funding institutions.

The very diverse population of Yuba City is a source of pride for its citizens.  The City hosts an annual Cultural Celebration to celebrate ethnic traditions and diversity through food, arts and music from around the region and the world.

The Punjabi population in the Yuba-Sutter area has grown to be one of the largest in the United States and one of the largest Sikh populations outside of India. Each year on the first Sunday of November, Sikhs throughout the world attend the Sikh parade in Yuba City.
The Bok Kai Temple across the Feather River in Marysville was established in 1854, five years after the first contingent of Chinese arrived in California to work in the gold mines. The current temple, built in 1880, remains the focus of the Chinese community and is the only one of its kind in the United States. The annual Bok Kai Festival hosts one of the oldest running parades in the country.


SR-20 Landscape Median Improvement Project Below is an overview of the work completed on the SR-20 Median Project, and the remaining work to be completed next week: During construction only the inside lanes will be closed between Stafford and Cooper Ave around 7:00pm to 4:00am. Week 1: 11/28/17 – 12/01/17 • 11/28/17 - 11/29/17 – Hyatt Contracting began demolition on the median between Clark Ave & Stafford Way, removing existing concrete and Asphalt. WELCO Underground Construction Inc. began core drilling in the intersection of Clark Ave and Hwy 20 to identify the location and depths of existing utilities, in order to find the best path for directional boring between the medians. Yuba City’s water crew tapped into an existing water main on the median between Clark and Cooper. They then installed a meter and backflow preventer, in order to provide water service to the westerly Clark/Stafford Median. • 11/29/17 – 11/30/17 – Hyatt continued demolition on the Clark/Stafford median removing more asphalt, and protecting any existing utilities in place. WELCO continued core drilling, identifying the location and depths of more utilities in the Clark/20 intersection. • 11/30/17 -12/1/17 – Hyatt completed demolition on the Clark/Stafford median. Welco completed core drilling for all utilities, and bored from the east end of the Clark/Stafford median, to the newly installed water service in the Clark/Cooper median. Week 2: 12/4/17 - 12/08/17 (Tentative) • 12/04/17 – 12/05/17 – Landscapes by Stentzel will install the water main and irrigation wires from the water service, to the west end of the Stafford/Clark intersection. • 15/05/17 -12/08/17 – Hyatt will begin importing materials and setting forms for concrete. Stentzel will come in prior to concrete placement in order to install irrigation sleeves between hardscaped areas. Hyatt will then install hardscape and river cobble. Once hardscape is installed, Stentzel will return to plant trees and shrubs, and install final components of drip irrigation system. The end result will be similar to the landscaped medians recently installed on Bridge Street. Construction is anticipated to be completed by Saturday 12/09/17. Thank you for your patience while we make these much-needed upgrades.

Another great story highlighting incoming Mayor Preet Didbal, the first Sikh American woman to service as Mayor in the United States.

Street closures for the Christmas Stroll, Saturday, December 9th.

City Council Meeting Tuesday, December 5th.

Officers from Yuba City Police rallied together and collected money to purchase Christmas gifts for a local family in need. This is the side of these officers that the public doesn’t get to see as often but these guys truly care about people in our community! 💙

On December 5th, Preet Didbal will be sworn in as Mayor of Yuba City and will also become the first Sikh American woman elected Mayor in the United States. Today KCRA interviewed incoming Mayor Preet Didbal to discuss this historic moment.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date: November 27, 2017 YUBA CITY TO SWEAR IN PREET DIDBAL FOR MAYORAL TERM First Sikh Woman Mayor Calls It an Honor to Lead Her Community, and Serve as Role Model for Young Women. The Yuba City City Council will swear in Vice Mayor Preet Didbal as Mayor on Tuesday, December 5. This unprecedented ceremony will take place at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers at the start of the regular City Council meeting, with a reception to follow. Didbal was elected to her first term in 2014 after eight years serving on the Yuba City Planning Commission and two years on Sutter County Planning Commission. Beating the odds, breaking both cultural, and gender barriers, she is the first Sikh American woman to be elected Mayor in the United States. The City of Yuba City is proud to usher in a new era of leadership in municipal government. Didbal’s history-making rise to the highest elected office in municipal government is evidence of the progress we have made for diversity throughout our country. “I’m incredibly humbled by and grateful for the responsibility our community has invested in me,” she said. “This is such an honor and incredibly exciting, for me and even more so for my family. It is truly the manifestation of the American dream.” Vice Mayor Didbal was born and raised in this community, after her parents immigrated from India to Yuba City in 1968. The daughter of farm laborers, Preet worked alongside her parents in the peach and prune orchards and on the graveyard shift at a cannery during the summer. She became the first in her family to attend college, pursue a master’s degree, and follow a path to leadership in local government, culminating in her election to the Yuba City City Council. “I lost my dad several years ago, but this was something we had talked about before he passed away,” Didbal said. “It was part of his dream for me, because he knew I had a passion for our community and a heart for service.” Vice Mayor Didbal said her priorities, in part, for the City will continue to be its youth, infrastructure and public safety. She is committed to addressing issues related to youth, homelessness, furthering the progress of the Fifth Street Bridge replacement project, and fostering economic development opportunities through partnerships with other Yuba-Sutter agencies. She also plans to stay vigilant on ordinances to regulate marijuana and draw from her roots as a planning commissioner in prioritizing infrastructure and development, with a key focus on infill opportunities. “I’m eager to see the goals and initiatives I have for the citizens of Yuba City through to fruition, building on our Councils accomplishments and following through on the commitments I’ve made to enhance the quality of life for all of our community members,” she said. “Just as my parents wanted a better life for their children in coming to Yuba City, I want a better life for all our citizens, in all capacities, for the greater good of our entire community.” During the next year, Didbal says she wants to further streamline the government process, removing red tape to expedite projects, ensuring transparency and establishing efficiencies in operations. Additionally, she wants to see continued improvements in the hiring process, expanding on efforts to consolidate hiring-related activities at the Yuba City Police Department. Didbal championed the Summer at City Hall, a three-week program, where students from Yuba City Unified School District high schools spend nearly 100 hours at City facilities to learn what encompasses a job in government and the path to such a career. Her goal is to obtain additional grants and funding to continue the program’s civic engagement connections not only for Yuba City youth, but also for students in surrounding regional schools. “Councilmember Didbal has been a tremendous asset to our City for more than a decade, helping shape the way we live, work, and play for the betterment of our entire community,” said City Manager Steve Kroeger. “Her professionalism and passion have been paramount, and I look forward to her leadership in serving Yuba City and our surrounding region.” Didbal was born and raised in Yuba City, attending Franklin and Lincoln elementary schools, Gray Avenue School, and Yuba City High School. She graduated from Yuba College and went on to University of California, Davis, and Sacramento State, where she earned her bachelor’s degree in Physical Education/Physical Therapy. She went on to earn an MPA with a concentration in health administration from University of San Francisco. An active member of the community, Didbal is a member of the Sutter County First 5 Children and Families Commission, community team coach for Girls on the Run, and a leader in conducting Community Health and Safety forums. She collects backpacks for Western Farm Workers families every fall, volunteers for Back to School to support low-income families, and participates in area charity runs to support community programs. In 2015, she was awarded Woman of the Year by Congressman John Garamendi, who recognized that her “personal devotion rests in a desire to give back to the community that has given her so much.” For more than 19 years, she has been a civil servant, working primarily for the California Correctional Health Care Services before transitioning to the State Compensation Insurance Fund in 2015. Her daughter, Arianna, is in her freshman year at Willamette University on an academic scholarship and plays for its volleyball team. In addition, Didbal continues to care for her elderly mother, Gurbaksh. ###

Now Hiring! Water Treatment Plant Operator II/III. California Grade II (or higher) Water Treatment Plant Certificate and required! Qualified? Apply Today!

In case you missed it!

Stop by City Hall and check out the beautiful window painting.


NEAR City of Yuba City, Local Government

Hillcrest Landing

Yuba City, United States
New American Restaurant