Ma Lou's
A fried chicken shop built on quality ingredients and made-from-scratch menu offerings. Open Tues - Sat, 11am - 9pm. Email
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facebook.comGuys come let Billy know you're here for him in this time of angst & confusion. He's found bottom, & now there's nowhere to go but up. #werehereforyou #savebilly #familyisforever #weloveyou
Bird's the word today ladies & gents. Get your brunch on. Chix & waffles plus the starting lineup. See you soon. #brunch #ypsibrunch #annarborbrunch #chickenandwaffles #ypsireal #ypsifood
"You're thinking about something, my dear, and that makes you forget to talk." That something is chicken. Come let our sage cash man Alex ring you up and send you down the rabbit hole... #aliceinwonderland #wereallmadhere #malous #friedchicken #hotchicken #ypsilanti #ypsireal #ypsifood
Whatup MEZ squad?! Michigan Engineering Zone alumni saddling up for a midday chow! Chicken by day. Robots by night. #MEZ #michiganengineering #friedchicken #ypsireal #ypsifood #annarboreats #visitannarbor #puremichigan #uofm #hail #goblue #wolverines #robotchicken
Good People! We'd love to #cater your next event!! Just teamed up with Big Brother @ricewoodbbq this weekend @cultivateypsi to put on a feast for 100 of Linh's closest friends! Just don't turn your back on us or we'll take over your photo booth! #cater #catered #ypsilanti #annarbor #ypsireal #visitannarbor #puremichigan #localbusiness #collabo #bigbrother #littlesister
It's Sunday ladies & gents!! You know the drill by now! Do like @mosologist does... #chickenandwaffles #ypsilanti #visitypsi #ypsireal #annarbor #visitannarbor #a2 #chickennwaffles #belgianwaffles #friedchicken #brunch #sundaybrunch #puremichigan
Ypsi we out here! Doors open for that #elvisfest spillover! And our loyal constituents of course! Stop by. Say hi. Impersonators welcome but likely ridiculed. #mielvisfest #depottown #ypsireal #ypsilanti #riversidepark #puremichigan #malous
Hot off the presses! Ma Lou's customizable gift cards!! Matte charcoal finish! Cursive font! Load 'em up & dole 'em out!! These f*^<€rs are sicker than fidget spinners! Don't be the last on the block to get yours!!! #giftcard #giftcards #fidgetspinner #fidgetspinners #malous #ypsilanti #ypsireal #christmascameearly
Ypsi Happy National Fried Chicken Day!! Come in & mention this post for 10% off our big box or family box all day! #nationalfriedchickenday #friedchicken #hotchicken #malous #ypsilanti #ypsireal #ypsifood #annarbor #annarboreats #a2
Hey kids we're CLOSED Sunday the 2nd & Tuesday the 4th to celebrate the holiday! Enjoy! Be safe! See you Wednesday!!
Guys what's this weather doin' today?? Better not risk it! Call ahead for carry-out on your way home to Netflix and chi... #netflixandchill #netflixandchicken #friedchicken #friedchix #chickenwings #jumbowings #hotchicken #nashvillehot #carryout #takeout #ypsilanti #ypsifood #ypsireal #CrispyYpsi #annarboreats #a2
Ma Lou got herself a #makeover this weekend and is fishing for compliments! Stop by and tell her she's still got it! #ageaintnothingbutanumber #paintmelikeoneofyourfrenchgirls #friedchicken #southern #hotchicken #nashvillehot