Go Ice Cream
The tastiest, small-batch, hand-crafted ice creams and vintage soda fountain treats! Go! Ice Cream is super-premium, small-batch ice creams, made with love and the best ingredients. Visit our storefront in Downtown Ypsilanti, or find our pints in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti at select retailers like The Produce Station, Argus Farm Stop and the Ypsilanti Food Co-Op!
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Hey, looky who got a nice little write up in AAA Living magazine this month! Thanks, AAA!
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FREE EDIBLE FIREWORKS!! Err...um, we mean sprinkles FREE SPRINKLES ALL DAY TODAY!! Happy Fourth of July everyone! (PS-do not try eating fireworks, that's bad.)
Photos from Go Ice Cream's post
Lemon Thyme Soda with Strawberry Ice Cream and Mint Chocolate Chip shake with Chocolate Sorbet and whipped cream are the treats you need tonight!! @ Go Ice Cream
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Throwing it back to June 2013, we had been selling ice cream for maybe two weeks at this point and had no idea where this little ice cream trike would take us! Thank you forever to the awesomely supportive community at the Ypsilanti Farmers Markets and growing hope for giving us our start and to everyone in our beloved Ypsilanti for keeping our pedals spinning all these years! We've got #ypsireal #ypsilove for our awesome #ypsifood community!
Hero Nation Fundraising Party
You are a superhero! Your power is that you can simultaneously enjoy delicious ice cream AND help launch a local comic-con that supports diverse new voices! RSVP to our event today, grab your cape and get ready to enjoy TWO BRAND NEW SUPERHERO THEMED ICE CREAMS, good music, face-painting and good times!!
Have you heard about Hero Nation- Ypsilanti yet?? We are teaming up with them for a huge superhero themed fundraiser this coming First Fridays Ypsilanti on July 7th - we will be debuting a couple of BRAND NEW SUPERHERO FLAVORS, too!!
Chelsea's pasteurizing a big batch of something delicious! Any guesses what the new flavor for this weekend will be????
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Want a FREE TOPPING? Want to help ensure that Michigan residents get fair representation in our judicial system? How about both at the same time? Tonight, we are hosting Michigan Legal Help, a statewide legal information website that helps people prepare to represent themselves in court, from 6 to 9pm. If you can spare 2 minutes to answer some brief question about their website, they will buy you an ice cream topping! How delicious is that?!
2017 Flavor Expedition ~ 6 months!
Exclusive ice cream flavors delivered to your doorstep every month!! Join our 2016 Flavor Expedition NOW - registration closes July 15! http://www.goicecreamgo.com/product/2017-flavor-expedition-6-months/
⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️there is only so much Single Malt Butterscotch left! Get to the store as soon as you can to help ensure you get some of this Dad's Day deliciousness!!
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Dads are the best! Happy Father's Day everyone! Here's a picture of Rob and his dad sharing a cold one after a hard day of building the Go! Ice Cream Alley Store in 2016. Thank you dads! We love you!
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This heat has Matt chilling out with our new Tangy Strawberry soda float with our brand new Strawberry Ice Cream! You want one. You want to be like Matt.