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Citizens for an Informed Yorktown

PO Box 193, Yorktown Heights, United States
Community organization



To find out what our elected officials are doing, or to follow a specific town issue or new development project, follow the CIY summaries of Town Board and Planning Board meetings.  CIY attends Town Board and Planning Board meetings and prepares written summaries of ALL agenda items for online dissemination to the public.  Unlike blog postings, the summaries are strictly factual and devoid of any personal opinion. The summaries are written by Susan Siegel, former town supervisor.



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TOWN BOARD CURTAILS COURTESY OF THE FLOOR (Note: Beginning January, 2016, the CIY Town Board meeting summaries will continue to be written by Susan Siegel in her capacity as an observer.) Town Board January 5, 2016 Meeting highlights. For a summary of agenda items, visit 1. Online tax payments Tax payments can now be made by check, online, at no fee. For information, check: 2. Courtesy of the Floor Councilman Bernard announced that beginning with tonight’s meeting, there will be only one Courtesy of the Floor and it will be at the end of the meeting. 3. Appointments/Resignations Reappointments: Comptroller: Patrica Caporale and Tax Receiver: Barbara Korsak New appointments: Police officer: John E. Doherty; Deputy Supervisor: Councilman Gregory Bernard ; Deputy Town Clerk: Maura Weissleder Resignation: Sharon Robinson, Acting Town Engineer. 4. Water rates Supervisor Grace announced that the town would be increasing water rates sometime in 2016. 5. Set public hearings January 19 Request to build a new convenience store at the Mobil Gas Station on Saw Mill River Road. Wetlands permit for Shrub oak Community Association to add a herbicide to the Mountain Brook Pond February 2 Request to rezone a Lexington Avenue parcel from half acre to multi family zoning Northern Westchester Restorative Therapy & Nursing Home request to add additional parking spaces ‘ 6. Town 2016 meeting calendar Supervisor Grace announced his intention to schedule additional work sessions over the next 6-8 weeks, most likely on Monday or Wednesday. 7. Town Board liaisons Supervisor Grace announced the liaisons to the town’s various advisory boards.
