Association For Research and Enlightenment
The Mission of the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) is to help people transform their lives for the better, through research, education, and application of core concepts found in the Edgar Cayce readings and kindred materials... With an international headquarters in Virginia Beach, Va., a regional headquarters in Houston, regional representatives throughout the U.S., Edgar Cayce Centers in 37 countries, and individual members in more than 70 countries, the A.R.E. community is a global network of individuals.
A.R.E. conferences, international tours, camps for children and adults, regional activities, and study groups allow like-minded people to gather for educational and fellowship opportunities worldwide.
A.R.E. offers membership benefits and services that include a quarterly body-mind-spirit member magazine, Venture Inward; a member newsletter covering the topics of ancient mysteries, personal spirituality, and holistic health; and access to the entire set of readings in an exclusive online database.
Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. also maintains an affiliation with Atlantic University, which offers continuing education classes and a master's degree program in Transpersonal Studies; the Cayce/Reilly® School of Massotherapy, a leader in holistic education, wellness, and healthcare; and maintains an onsite Health Center & Spa at its Virginia Beach headquarters, where many of the health readings remedies are offered along with massage therapy.
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facebook.comEdgar Cayce Quotes
TRY in thine own experience, each; that ye speak not for ONE WHOLE DAY unkindly of any; that ye say not a harsh word to any, about any; and see what a day would bring to you the next lesson, HAPPINESS. #EdgarCayce reading 262-106
The Infinite, Eternal Oneness | Edgar Cayce' s A.R.E. Blog
#JohnVanAuken is talking about Edgar Cayce's view of universal oneness in this week's blog post excerpted from Venture Inward magazine, an A.R.E. Member benfit. Read the blog here: #EdgarCayce
Edgar Cayce Quotes
Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records: And we choose each day WHOM we will serve! And by the records in time and space, as we have moved through the realms of His kingdom, we have left our mark upon same. Then they influence us, either directly or indirectly, in the manner as we have declared ourselves in favor of this or that influence in our material experience. And by the casting of our lot in this or that direction, we bring into our experience the influence in that manner. #EdgarCayce reading 1567-2
Edgar Cayce's Online Learning
An exciting upcoming mentored course from Edgar Cayce's Online Learning! Learn more:
Edgar Cayce Quotes
Individuals do not meet by chance. They ARE necessary in the experiences of others, though they may not always use their opportunities in a spiritual way or manner. #EdgarCayce reading 2751-1
7 Tips for Sticking to Your New Year' s Resolutions | Edgar Cayce' s A.R.E. Blog
Have you decided to make a New Year's Resolution towards living a healthier lifestyle? If so, A.R.E. Health Center and Spa Nutritionist Katie Abbott has some helpful tips to help you stay on track! Learn more: #WellnessWednesday
Edgar Cayce Quotes
#WellnessWednesday Do not let anxieties become stumblingblocks in thy dealings with others. Do not let the physical conditions become an excuse as to thy feelings and thy relationships to others. Rather let them be met as one. #EdgarCayce reading 1317-1
Timeline Photos
It was a chilly day at the A.R.E., but it made for a beautiful frozen fountain!
Edgar Cayce Quotes
So, the desire of the soul for harmony and peace is born of Him that gave, "My peace I give unto thee;" not as the WORLD gives peace, but as the SPIRIT that makes alive that which gives the knowledge of HIS peace - that peace that passeth all understanding! #EdgarCayce reading 1742-4
Edgar Cayce Quotes
… what is the difference? As He has given, it will ever be found that Truth—whether in this or that schism or ism or cult—is of the One source. Are there not trees of oak, of ash, of pine? There are the needs of these for meeting this or that experience … Find not fault with ANY, but rather show forth as to just how good a pine, or ash, or oak, or VINE, thou art. #EdgarCayce reading 254-87
Official Edgar Cayce Page
Official Edgar Cayce Page