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River Mountain Church

869 East 15th St, Yazoo City, United States
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Have you every wished you could hit a rewind button in your life so you could go back and do some things differently. I think we all have wished that so many times in our life. Well there are no rewind buttons in life and even if there were how many times would we have to hit rewind only to fail in trying to get it right. That's what sin did to all of us, it enslaved us in bondage and separated us from God so no matter how hard we tried we were always failing. Well here is the Good News! Jesus got it right for us the first time! He lived a sinless life and then He died on the cross to pay the price for all of our sins. God laid the sin of all the world on Jesus so that all men could be saved by calling on the name of Jesus. Then on the third day He arose to new life overcoming for all men death, hell, and the grave. When we call on the name of Jesus to receive him as our savior we receive his new life through his spirit that will free us from every bondage of sin, sickness, disease, poverty, pain, or whatever. So whats all the buzz about Easter! Its about a brand new life that God has provided for you through Jesus Christ. We no longer have to be separated from God by our sin and live enslaved to it. We can now become a child of God by receiving Christ as Savior and have the promise of being with God forever. We can now live with Gods power in our life through his word and spirit. All your past present and even future failures Jesus took care of on the cross for you. He loves us so much and wants us to live the life that is filled with his love and power over everything in this life! Make this Easter the one that changes your life by receiving Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. We invite you to be our Guest this Sunday@10:00am. RIVER MOUNTAIN CHURCH 869 East Fifteenth st. Yazoo city Ms. Come to traffic light at Jerry Clower/hwy.49N and Fifteenth st heading to Yazoo city. Turn right at light on fifteenth. Cvs is on the right. Church is on left on top of hill. Sign is on left. Turn left at first rd past church sign. Come on! What are you waiting for! The best days of your life are only found through Jesus Christ!

Your life will always run on the tracks that you allow your thoughts to take you. Great destinations are a result of moving your life in the right direction. If you don't like the direction that your life is going then change the direction of your thoughts. Your life will never change until your thoughts change first. You have the power to choose what you set your thoughts upon. Proverbs 23:7. Says. As a man thinks in his heart so is He. Whatever you continue to behold in your heart through your thoughts will eventually be reflected in your life. Proverbs 27: 19 says. As water reflects the face so ones heart reflects the life. Your thoughts will give vision to your heart to aim your life in that direction. Your words are what will move your life to that destiny. If we want to see our life move up and become better then we must set our thoughts upon Gods word that will empower our life for greatness. When we see our life the way Gods sees us in Christ through His word, our life will change for the better continually. Psalms 119:105 says. Gods word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. Gods word that we give attention to in our thoughts, words and heart will light up Gods vision and direction for our life. His dreams and plans for our life are always only good and never evil. Psalms 16:11 God will show us the path of life; In his presence is fullness of joy; At his right hand are pleasures forevermore. God has great days that are filled with great joy and goodness that He wants to lead us into. If we want our life to move in Gods good and great direction for our life we will have to allow him to show us his path of Life through his living word!! Have an awesome day! Be our Guest First Wednesday 6:30pm Or Sunday morning 10:00am.

When we have a daily encounter with Christ our desire will only be to please him in all our lifestyle. We will recognize that what we say and do will either lead others to Christ or it will lead them away from Christ. My friend if you know Jesus as your Savior then let him be your Lord also!! Your life will only impact others for Christ when they see Christ in your actions and not just hear about him with your words. Your life is always speaking a message regardless if you ever open your mouth or not. Don't be one of those Christians that claims to know Christ yet their life looks no different then the world. Your life will always speak by your actions. Live your life in such a way that always speaks the message of Christ. Allow Christ to Shine his love so bright through you, that others want to know him too. Proverbs 27:19 As water reflects the face, so ones life reflects the heart. In other words whatever is in the heart is going to be revealed through your life. If you don't like what you are seeing in your life then change what you are beholding in your heart. The bible says as a man thinks in his heart so is he. Proverbs 23:7 In other words what you continue to meditate and dwell upon in your thoughts will begin to show up in your life. If you want your life to be filled with the goodness and greatness of God then you will have to fill your heart, mind and mouth with the truth of Gods word. Therefore you will begin to reveal the power of Gods truth that is in your heart through your life. There is no life sweeter and no life greater then a life revealing the power of Christ love Remember Christ not only wants to be your Savior, He wants to be your Lord! Therefore He can lead you into his Great and Good Plans He has for your Life. When our light or life is Shining for Jesus then our life will be leading others to Christ and not away from him. Have a Blessed Day! Be our Guest this Sunday for a life changing, life uplifting and life empowering truth of Gods word! You will leave knowing you have encountered the goodness and greatness of our God! Sunday's at 10:00am Yazoo city.

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Be our Guest this Sunday at 10:00am for a life changing, life empowering and life uplifting truth of Gods word! Your life will be filled with love, joy and peace as you encounter the goodness and greatness of our God!! 869 east 15th st. Yazoo city Come to the traffic light at Jerry Clower Blvd. and 15th street heading north and turn right by Cvs. Church on top of hill on left.

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Many times in life things have happened that have left people hurt and broken inside their heart. A lot of times we will try to cover that hurt and pain by busying up our lives with work, hobbies, friends or other things. We try to fill those hurting and empty places with people, pleasure, food, or even additions. Those things in our lives will not just go away even though we try to bury those things deep in our heart. My friend there is nothing in this world that can heal your broken soul other then the love of Jesus. The bible says that God is Love and Love never fails. No matter the failure that you have experienced only the love of God can lift you today from every failing place. His love never fails, never gives up and will never run out on you. His love named Jesus bled red on a cross to save, heal and free us from all that would ever try to defeat us. Jesus said. Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Notice Jesus said Come to me and I will give you rest. He knew many people have buried their hurts and pains so deep in their heart that they never wanted to remember it again. The problem with this is that it stays with us and we never walk free from it. Jesus was saying that He knows you have been hurt and broken but it want ever leave your heart until you bring it to him so he can heal, restore, and give you true rest in your soul. I know that many times we don't want to open up areas of our heart that have been damaged. Yet healing can only come when we bring it to Jesus, forgive and let go of it once and for all. God knows the struggles and the pain that you have bore. He doesn't want you to carry that pain anymore. He says in his word to cast the whole wait of your care over on him for he cares for you. I know you may think what good will it do or it want change what has happened. I understand what you are saying but the truth is that it will change everything for you. It may not change what has happened in the past but it will change everything for your future!! You now have brought it to Jesus who will lift your life up to begin in a brand new place of love and peace. We can never walk into Gods bright future for our life if we continue to hold on to the brokenness in our past. When we come to Jesus and give him the broken pieces of our heart then He will lift us up from all our ashes and give us beauty in all our heart. His love will heal every broken part of our heart. His love will fill every empty part of our heart. His love will restore every lost part of our heart. His love will make new everything that may have died in our heart. Only his love can cause what was dead to live again. Only his love can take a life that the world has cast aside and cause it to rise up and shine with the love and beauty of our God. Today is your day to come to Jesus and be healed of all your hurts and pains. Today is your day to come to Jesus and forgive and let go of all the hurt and pain you have carried on the inside. God wants to do a new thing in your life that will cause you to rise up from all your ashes and Shine with the Beauty and Love of our God. Today is the day to decide to let go of all the old, all the hurt, all the pain, all the brokenness all the unforgiveness, all the disappointments, and all the failures and bring it Jesus once and for all. Jesus stands and waits for you to make a decision to open up all your heart to him. Therefore He can bring the healing, help and peace that your life so desperately needs. Today is your day to make the change that will change everything in your life. When we bring all of our heart to Jesus then He can bring all of the healing that our heart needs. His love that we embrace in our heart will heal us, free us and empower us to live a life filled with love, joy and peace. Be our guest this Sunday @10:00 am River Mountain church 869 east 15th st Yazoo city

This one thing here would solve a lot of struggling Christians problems. The reason many keep walking in the same circle of defeat is because they are in a circle with the wrong kind of people. If you are having trouble walking and living the way Christ calls you to live then check out the company that you keep. The kind of people you spend time with will be the kind of person you become. If you want to see what your life is reflecting then look at your closest friends. As Christians we are called to love everyone with the love of Christ. Yet we cannot be a light for Christ if we choose to spend time walking in the dark. If you want your life to be a light to those who are in the dark then you must walk in the light of Gods word. If your best friends don't value the words of Christ then guess what, neither will you. Whoever you choose to spend time with will be the kind of person you will look and act like. If you are spending time with people who cause you to compromise your life as a Christian then you are in bad company. Your life will only sink lower the more time you spend with them. 1 Corinthians 15:33 Says Bad company corrupts good Character. If you are spending time with people who inspire you and encourage you to live a life devoted to Christ, than your life will Rise up and Shine Brighter and Stronger everyday. If you think the people you spend time with doesn't affect your life then you are probably spending time with people who are making a negative impact on you. God wants your life to become better and shine with the goodness and greatness of him. Yet this can only happen if you choose to walk with people who are passionately pursuing God with all their heart. When you do this you will set your life in the right direction so God can lead you on his path for your life. You have to put yourself in the right circle of friends in order to have the right results in your life. Remember this. You will either be a stronger Christian or a weaker Christian depending on the kind of friends that you allow in the circle of your life God bless Have a Great day!! Be our Guest. River Mountain church Sunday@10:00am

River Mountain Church

Be our Guest this evening at 5:00 pm.

River Mountain Church

River Mountain Church

Christmas Eve service this Saturday at 5:00 p.m

River Mountain Church

Many times in life things have happened that have left people hurt and broken inside their heart. A lot of times we will try to cover that hurt and pain by busying up our lives with work, hobbies, friends or other things. We try to fill those hurting and empty places with people, pleasure, food, or even additions. Those things in our lives will not just go away even though we try to bury those things deep in our heart. My friend there is nothing in this world that can heal your broken heart other then the love of Jesus. The bible says that God is Love and Love never fails. No matter the failure that you have experienced only the love of God can lift you today from every failing place. His love never fails, never gives up and will never run out on you. His love named Jesus bled red on a cross to save, heal and free us from all that would ever try to defeat us. Jesus said. Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Notice Jesus calls all of us to come to him so He can give us rest. He knew many people have buried their hurts and pains so deep in their heart that they never wanted to remember it again. The problem with this is that it stays with us and we never walk free from it. Jesus was saying that He knows you have been hurt and broken but it want ever leave your heart until you bring it to him so he can heal, restore, and give you true rest in your soul. I know that many times we don't want to open up areas of our heart that have been damaged. Yet healing can only come when we bring it to Jesus, forgive and let go of it once and for all. God knows the struggles and the pain that you have walked in your life. He doesn't want you to carry that pain anymore. He says in his word to cast the whole wait of your care over on him for he cares for you. I know you may think what good will it do or it want change what has happened. I understand what you are saying but the truth is that it will change everything for you. It may not change what has happened in the past but it will change everything in your future!! You now have brought it to Jesus who will lift your life up to begin in a brand new place of love and peace. We can never walk into Gods bright future for our life if we continue to hold on to the brokenness in our past. When we come to Jesus and give him the broken pieces of our heart then He will lift us up from all our ashes and give us beauty in all our heart. His love will heal every broken part of our heart. His love will fill every empty part of our heart. His love will restore every lost part of our heart. His love will make new everything that may have died in our heart. Only his love can cause what was dead to live again. Only his love can take a life that the world has cast aside and cause it to rise up and shine with the love and beauty of our God. Today is your day to come to Jesus and be healed of all your hurts and pains. Today is your day to come to Jesus and forgive and let go of all the hurt and pain you have carried on the inside. God wants to do a new thing in your life that will cause you to rise up from all your ashes and Shine with the Beauty and Love of our God. Today is the day to decide to let go of all the old, all the hurt, all the pain, all the brokenness all the unforgiveness, all the disappointments, and all the failures and bring it Jesus once and for all. Jesus stands and waits for you to make a decision to open up all your heart to him. Therefore He can bring the healing, help and peace that your life so desperately needs. Today is your day to make the change that will change everything in your life. When we bring all of our heart to Jesus then He can bring all of the healing that our heart needs. His love that we embrace in our heart will heal us, free us and empower us to live a life filled with love, joy and peace. Join us at River Mountain church Saturday evening at 5:00 pm Christmas Eve Candlelight service.

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Join us at River Mountain church for our candlelight and communion Christmas Eve service at 5:00 pm.

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Many times in life people are searching for answers and love in all the wrong places! When you meet the author of Life whose name is Jesus then you will know that the greatest thing in all of the world is knowing him. His Love bled red on a cross for me and you to take away our sin so we could live free and eternally with him. His love never fails never gives up and never runs out on me or you. His love never fails and has the power to lift us up from every failing place. I have decided to follow Jesus. I have decided to follow Jesus. The cross before me the world behind me. Though non go with me still I will follow. No turning back, No turning back. No one else can make that decision for you. Christ is calling you to come to him today and receive his love and truth that will light your life and show you the way! The greatest day in all your life will be when you decide to follow Jesus. The greatest days in all your life will be when you are leading others to Jesus. Be our Guest. River Mountain church Sunday@10:00am.


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