Dave K, CPA
David N. Kwiecinski
Income Tax Planning and Preparation - Individuals and Small Businesses
"I make house calls!"
Serving greater Chicago and Milwaukee metropolitan areas
from Winthrop Harbor, Illinois
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facebook.comThe Compliance Costs of IRS Regulations
Americans will waste 8.9 billion hours to comply with IRS paperwork this year. Nice. Oh, and compliance will cost the economy $409 BILLION. That's 27 hours per person (including children and those among us who spend no time complying with IRS paperwork) and $1,240 in buying power per person. Tell me, is it worth it? You know my answer.
Dave K, CPA
Norbert Kwiecinski Obituary - Simkins Funeral Home
May 26, 2016 Dear friends, Please pardon the non-personalized correspondence. This letter is far from impersonal. With a painfully heavy heart, I regret to inform you of the death of my father, Norb Kwiecinski, on May 4, 2016. Some of you knew Dad. Many of you did not, other than what I shared with you. And share I did. The last three years have been extraordinarily difficult because of Dad's health issues. Dealing with family and life-and-death issues know no particular season. And dealing with these issues has consumed us as a family, often wreaking havoc on tax season deadlines. But you've stuck with me. You've shared my pain and listened to my stories. And offered encouragement and prayers. Two things. This tax season was pretty clean. Most of you have your tax returns and processing is complete. I still owe some of you final paperwork or I had to extend the tax return. Please understand that the last three weeks have been awful. Life came to a halt. We're still picking up the emotional pieces. Second, thank you. Thank you for your empathy, your encouragement, your prayers, and your patience. It's much easier to deal with this by sending you a letter instead of waiting until next year or when we next speak with each other. I appreciate your understanding. If we haven't wrapped up this year's tax returns, you will hear from me by the end of next week, Friday, June 3. As always, I appreciate you and look forward to serving you again in the near future. Sincerely, David N. Kwiecinski http://www.simkinsfh.com/obits/obituary.php?id=602989
Feds Paid $600K To Learn Why People Cheat IRS On Their Taxes. That's Why.
Headline that (almost) makes you want to slam your head into a brick wall: "Feds Spend 600 Thousand Dollars to Learn Why People Cheat on Their Taxes." #yourekiddingright? #iwishiwas
So today... of all days... my computer locks up on me. Hard boot. No choice. And today... of all days... automatic updates are loading... ... and loading... ... and loading... #dontworryclients #IGotThis #finishlineinsight
"Trump Won't Release Tax Returns. Maybe His Net Worth Isn't What He Purports It to Be" Don't listen to these geniuses. A tax return, as Mr. Trump points out, has very little to say about a person's net worth. Take it from almost 40 years of experience. Can we please select a candidate based on issues and not on tabloid attacks? Okay. Thanks.