Country Kettle Cafe
We Are Located Accross from tower pizza!
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Tell your friends
facebook.comWe will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday August 9th, so they can hook us up to the water source. We apologize for any inconvenience. Joe
Wednesday Lunch Specials Grilled chicken bacon club wrap 9.25 Rueben Burger 9.50 Stuffed Cabbage 7.95 Chicken bacon mushroom swiss melt 8.50 Hot roast beef wrap with horseradish, cheddar, onions and mushrooms 8.95
Monday Lunch specials! Prime Rib Philly 8.95 Sausage peppers and onions on Hardroll 7.95 Sweet and Spicy Sausage Quesadilla 9.00 Bacon cheddar hotdog w/ fries 6.00 Chili Cheese Hotdog w/ fries 6.50 Enjoy the day, stay cool out there.
Prime Rib Dinner
Photos from Tops Diner formerly Country Kettle Cafe's post
Come join us for dinner!! Bring your favorite wine, we'll supply the glasses!
Just in time! The construction is done for the weekend and they have paved the road again just in time for you to enjoy a delicious Prime Rib dinner at Tops. 4-8 pm Hope to see you there.
Prime Rib Dinner
i wanted to say thank you to everyone for supporting us while the construction continues on the water main. I know it is a huge challenge to find a suitable parking space. I truly appreciate your support. I hope to see you all tomorrow. Sincerely, Joe
Timeline Photos
Fresh Turnovers and Pastries
Tops Diner formerly Country Kettle Cafe
our food!
Timeline Photos