First Congregational Church in Winchester, UCC
A Christ-centered, nurturing community: Growing in faith, serving in love, welcoming all with joy. First Congregational Church in Winchester, MA is an Open and Affirming congregation, welcoming all who wish to worship and serve God with us.
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🌹Join us for "Beauty and the Beast (2017)" tonight on our front lawn at 7pm. It's free! Bring a blanket. If it is too rainy we will still watch the movie, just inside the church. 🌹
FCCW Weekly Update
Family Movie Night, Embodied Prayer, and Health Ministry Corner
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Ben is chillin' with Jalen during the Summer Hangout...can you find the E.T. Impersonator?...?...?
The Winchester Star - Massachusetts
Polly Keppler’s 100th Birthday was celebrated at a party hosted by her daughters, Jan Brink and Susan Sweeter on Friday June 30th in the Reno Garden. When asked the secret of living long and well, Polly responded “I’m looking up at the cross and steeple and living their message is important to me.” Thanks to Anne Hoenicke’s archival research we know those words to be true. In 1963 Polly became Forum Superintendent and was affectionately called by the youth as Mrs. Kep. When she wasn’t serving on the Religious Education Committee, she served on Adult Christian Education, the Flower, Library, Membership, Mission and Benevolences Committees, Parish Visitors and the Women’s Association. She participated in the Ruth, Faith Enrichment for Women and Touchstones groups. Family, church friends, En Ka sisters and caregivers joined the Sounds of Grace Choir in a special rendition of "Hello Polly". The last lines of the tune hold our blessings and good wishes for Polly: What a century of adventure, oh my dear. Don’t stop now, Polly You’re a special gal, Polly. We’d love to do it all again next Year! Thanks to the Reno Garden Committee, Sounds of Grace Choir, church members and staff who helped made this event so memorable.~ Kathleen Zagata
Got Lunch feeds hungry Winchester kids when school is out
This note was left by a woman who served at the Dwelling Place last month..."Thank you for the $40 in gift cards for the ham & cakes that we made and served last Saturday at the Dwelling Place. It was a very positive experience for my daughter (name redacted) and myself and we will definitely do it again in the future. Stop & Shop was having a sale on the ham last week so everything came to $19.60. I have enclosed the other $20 gift card for another time. Thank you very much. Sincerely, ......."
Calling All Musicians! – First Congregational Church in Winchester
The Summer Spire: Worship, Movie Nights, Ripley Q&A, and more!
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Polly & family at her party listening to Sounds of Grace.
Vacation Bible School 2017
Beauties, bunnies, and blankies. What could be cuter?
FCCW Weekly Update
Birthday Celebration, Family Movie Night, & Rev. Ken is preaching about Interdependence
Photos from First Congregational Church in Winchester, UCC's post
A couple of pictures from VBS.