Delaware Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Welcome to the DVR Facebook page. Our goal is to provide you with information regarding employment and other workforce resources. We welcome your feedback. Please follow our guidelines for posting your comments.
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facebook.comHiring Workers with Disabilities: Must-Knows for Small Business Owners -
Small Business owners and #entrepreneurs - this article outlines why #workplace #inclusion can lead to #success #HR #business #DELaborWorks
Delaware Department of Labor
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We're #hiring a Benefits Counselor to serve individuals with #disabilities in Kent and Sussex Counties in #Delaware. Knowledge and training in Social Security benefits and other public entitlement programs for people with disabilities is necessary. Certification as a Benefit Counselor is preferred but not essential. We will provide training to achieve certification if you are not currently certified. To apply, email your resume to Jocelyn Langrehr: For more information, contact Jocelyn at 302-761-8275 #healthcare #jobs #DELaborWorks
Summertime is about career exploration, learning, and growth!
Have you seen our recent news highlighting DVR's #innovative summer programming? #netde #pwd
Starbucks store designed to employ deaf workers
Let's all follow Starbucks' Malaysia's store brilliant example of #workplace #inclusion! #Deaf #hearingloss #DELaborWorks
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#Veterans #Job Fair - August 22 10 am - 2 pm Wilmington University's Dover Campus 3282 North Dupont Highway For more information, call 302-674-3308 Sponsored by #Delaware's Congressional Delegation: Senator Tom Carper, U.S. Senator Chris Coons, and Congressman John Carney. #devets #dejobs #hirevets #military
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JOB FAIR - August 17th Coca-Cola is #hiring! The Delaware Department of Labor - Division of Employment & Training is hosting a Coca-Cola #Job Fair on August 17th at the Delaware Department of Labor's Wilmington, Delaware location. Here is how apply.... A) first apply online at B) Prior to the actual job fair, register at (if you aren't already registered) because you must be actively registered in Delaware JobLink to participate. You've heard of a Coke and a smile - now it can be a Coke and a job! #getalljobs #careerarc
Veterans Job Fair
#Veterans Job Fair in Wilmington, Delaware Wednesday, August 17 - 5:30 p.m. at the Wilmington Blue Rocks/ Daniel S. Frawley Stadium Nine Innings of Networking:Hiring Our Heroes This is the hottest game in town! No tickets needed - it's just an open field of opportunity. #devets #dejobs #netde #delaware #DELaborWorks
Delaware Department of Labor
Thank you to the Wilmington VA Medical Center for hosting today's #veterans #job expo. #devets
Webcast Training Schedule (2014/2015)
Businesses - are you trying to create an #inclusive #workforce? Is this an item on your #strategic plan? Plan to attend the Job Accommodation Network's "Best Practices" webinar on August 16 - it's for you! This webinar will discuss the best and emerging practices in providing reasonable #accommodations in the workplace. There will also be a review of a soon to be released online toolkit that can be used for managing reasonable accomodations in the workplace. Check it out and register today! #business #HR #DELaborWorks
Project SEARCH - Dover, Delaware
Congratulations Project SEARCH - Dover, Delaware! #netDE #delaware Project SEARCH #DELaborWorks
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JUST FOR VETERANS... See you on Friday at the #Veterans Only Information and #Employment Expo Friday, August 5 8 am to Noon Wilmington VA Medical Center 1601 Kirkwood Highway, Wilmington, 19805 #dejobs #devets #DELaborWorks