Chrisie Styles BoutiQue
Chrisie Styles is an online and mobile boutique for full figured women, featuring a variety of affordable plus size clothes and fashion jewelry.
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facebook.comGood morning everyone! Its a brand new week, let's forget about what occurred last week and make this week great! Happy Monday to all! Xoxo Chrisie
Plus size clothes isn't all we sell! Visit our boutique for some eclectic pieces of fashion jewelry.
Shop Chrisie Styles Boutique #fashiontruck! We will be one of the featured #vendors showcasing the hottest #plussizeclothes and #fashionjewelry in our #mobileboutique. Click the link below 👇 for a sneak peak. . . . #biggirlsrock #fortheloveofcurves #inbetweenie #ownyourcurves #plussizevixens #mystylishcurves #voluptuous #volup2isdiversity #styleandcurvemag #styleissizeless #boldandcurvy #sizedoesntmatter #sizediversity #killercurves #healtybody #curvesarebetter #styleandcurvemag #floraldress #fashiontruck #mobileboutique #willingboronj #shopthetruck #chrisiestylesfashiontruck #shop
Shop Chrisie Styles Boutique #fashiontruck! We will be one of the featured #vendors showcasing the hottest #plussizeclothes and #fashionjewelry in our #mobileboutique. Click the link below 👇 for a sneak peak.
Use our Lyft code to save $5.00 "Chrisie 0129"
Have you ever wanted to have an online store, but don't know where to begin? Let me help you setup your store using Shopify as your e-commerce platform. My fees are $35/hr with a four hour minimum. When we're done, you'll be able to sell on and offline. No more pen and paper at your vendor events. Disclaimer: I am not a web developer. I have been using Shopify for two years and have become very knowledgeable of the platform.
Come out and have a good time at the Three Amigos Holiday Mascerade Party on December 16th at the Robert Treat Hotel in Newark NJ. 💥 Shop Chrisie Styles Boutique! We will be one of the featured #vendors showcasing the hottest #plussizeclothes and #fashionjewelry in our #mobileboutique. Click the link below 👇 for a sneak peak.
Are you a frequent @lyft rider? If so, you could save $5.00 on your next trip when you use our Lyft Code. Enter "Chrisie0129" when you are setting up your next ride. Or you can enter it in the promo section on your rider dashboard. When you go for a ride itge discount will automatically apply. You'll save a whopping $5 bucks. Feel free to share our code with your friends. Ride safe and enjoy! . . . #rideshare #lyftdriver #lyftrider #lyftcode #lyft #lyftpromocode #lyftpromotioncode
Come out and shop the truck! We're with all our Fall apparel. . . . #biggirlsrock #fortheloveofcurves #inbetweenie #ownyourcurves #plussizevixens #mystylishcurves #voluptuous #volup2isdiversity #styleandcurvemag #styleissizeless #boldandcurvy #sizedoesntmatter #sizediversity #killercurves #healtybody #curvesarebetter #styleandcurvemag #floraldress #fashiontruck #mobileboutique #willingboronj #shopthetruck #chrisiestylesfashiontruck #shop
Tomorrow is the Church of the Good Sheperd's Holiday Bazaar. This event is taking place in #Willingboronj on the corner or Van Sckiver & Buckingham Dr, from 10:00 to 2:00. You don't want to miss this. There will be so many community members showcasing their small business. Please stop by support our people. #shopsmall #holidaybazaar
What girl don't like a nice fitted jumpsuit? We have a few cute ones for you to choose from. . . . #biggirlsrock #fortheloveofcurves #inbetweenie #ownyourcurves #plussizevixens #mystylishcurves #voluptuous #volup2isdiversity #styleandcurvemag #styleissizeless #boldandcurvy #sizedoesntmatter #sizediversity #killercurves #healtybody #curvesarebetter #styleandcurvemag #floraldress #fashiontruck #mobileboutique #willingboronj #shopthetruck #chrisiestylesfashiontruck #shop — Products shown: Hipnotic Jumpsuit, Diva Jumpsuit and Denim Look Jumpsuit.
Have you gotten your holiday dress for the company Xmas party? Well we have the perfect one for you. Have all head turning when you step into the room. Snatch this up for only $45.00 with free shipping. — Products shown: Sweetheart Dress.