Williamsburg Art Gallery
Williamsburg Art Gallery is a Fine Art gallery located in the heart of downtown Williamsburg, VA (Merchants Square) just off Duke of Gloucester St. Located in downtown Williamsburg, VA, the Williamsburg Art Gallery features the work of regional artists as well as from other US states and from abroad. It has an active program of hosting cultural programs which bring various art forms together and helps promote artists who portray the natural beauty and history of the Williamsburg region.
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Williamsburg Art Gallery is pleased to announce that we currently have the exceptional work of several modern masters of the Moscow School of Russian Realism on exhibit and available for sale. Our initial consignment consists of paintings by artists Olga Belakovskaya, Marina Rubanova, Ilya Yatsenko, and Ivan Zolotuhin. All attended the prestigious Russian Academy of Arts (Surikov Institute) in Moscow. (http://en.rah.ru/academy/main_functions_of_the_russian_academy_of_arts/education/v_surikov_moscow_state_academy_art_institute.php)
Ray and Martha Rountree - Wood Turners 'Extraordinaire'
Williamsburg Art Gallery cordially invites you to attend a presentation by Ray and Martha Rountree on the unique art of wood turning and sculpting which will take place at 5:30 PM on Wednesday, March 15th.. Ray primarily turns ‘green wood’ which is easier on the turner and tools, but which requires a lengthy air-drying time between Rough Turning and the Final Turning & Finishing stages. His tools include a tractor, chainsaw, wood-lathes (each weighing about 900 lbs.), small air-powered grinders, a multitude of other little tools and lots of sandpaper! Woods native to Tidewater, Virginia or North Carolina such as cherry, maple, holly, box elder, pecan, walnut, magnolia, oak, elm, and sycamore are his ‘canvas.’ The woods are harvested from damaged or dying trees, often salvaged from the family farms in Suffolk, Virginia, or local tree surgeons. After penciling her design onto the wood, Martha returns the vessel to Ray for his design execution. This work is labor intensive, often requiring several weeks to complete. After Ray finishes the shaping, sculpting, inlaying and sanding, Martha may highlight some elements by adding color or shading, using pyrography, acrylics, or stain. Finally, Ray seals the vessel with several layers of UV resistant coating and a quality, clear lacquer for protection. Ray and Martha will bring a number of finished examples of their beautiful artwork for display and for sale. A few images are attached just to give an idea of the stunning, collaborative results which this very talented couple are able to achieve. Admission is free and open to the public and refreshments will be served. Williamsburg Art Gallery (www.wmbgartgallery.com) is located at 440A W. Duke of Gloucester Street on Merchants Square (right above the Williams Sonoma store – entry is in the side alleyway beneath a tan awning marked ‘Gallery.’)
New photo added to shared album
https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipP6l5OU9v1qlQbfchG5gvwzMkqQbbBnInNk6RSZfitqEZHwdLEmRI9l4xwwDq3guQ?key=Zms4cnZVZmZ1aUNqWXNOb2RBX3JlNG5oVmNWTVJR Let me try this again - From 'An Evening of Passion and Love', Opera in Williamsburg soprano Maria Natale and mezzo-soprano Fiorella Velez perform the 'Flower Duet' from Delibe's 'Lakme'. Thank you to Lena Possich Stone for this submission! Now....Full volume and full screen!
New Town Dental Arts
Thank you Linda and Sebastiana!
Re-live a few moments of the Williamsburg Symphony Orchestra League's Valentine Party at the gallery: Here are a few video-clips of Brett Cahoon and his combo 'Good Shot Judy' which were filmed and edited by Caelan Williamson. Enjoy!
Re-live a few moments of the Williamsburg Symphony Orchestra League's Valentine Party at the gallery: Here are a few video-clips of Brett Cahoon and his combo 'Good Shot Judy' which were filmed and edited by Caelan Williamson. Enjoy!
We were happy to host the Williamsburg Symphony Orchestra League's Valentine's Day 'Encore Affair' featuring the great Brett Cahoon and his fantastic band 'Good Shot Judy.' They got the crowd on its feet dancing during a most memorable evening! Many thanks to the sponsors of this event: Linda Kligman, Paul Try and Dr. Sebastiana Springman of New Town Dental Arts. (Photos by Caelan Williamson, Gulay & Clyde Berryman)
Absolutely scintillating performances by Opera in Williamsburg singers Maria Natale (soprano), Fiorella Velez (Mezzo-Soprano), Eric Lindsey (Bass-Baritone) and pianist Abdiel Vazquez before a sold-out audience at the gallery on Feb 9. The most romantic opera arias from Puccini, Verdi, Bizet, Mozart, Offenbach, Delibes, Saint Saens and Wagner. An unforgettable pre-Valentine's Day celebration. Thank you Naama Zahavi-Ely and OIW. (Photos by Marie-Helena Peeters, Eric Valery and Clyde Berryman)
We were delighted and honored to host the Williamsburg Community Foundation (WCF)'s Feb 2 meeting at the gallery. WCF, whose Executive Director is Nancy Cote Sullivan, is the principal philanthropic organization in the Greater Williamsburg area. Over the past fifteen years, WCF has provided $4 Million in grants to over 175 non-profit organizations. To learn more about WCF's goals, accomplishments, and how you might be able to participate and contribute, please visit their website at: www.williamsburgcommunityfoundation.org (Photos by Micaela Franklin and Clyde Berryman)
Timeline Photos
FEB 9th - 6 - 9PM - AN EVENING OF PASSION & LOVE with Opera in Wiliiamsburg. Tickets ($25) available at www.operainwilliamsburg.org under Social Events.
Absolutely fabulous evening! Great performances by Atiba Taylor & Blue Nesta ( https://www.facebook.com/Atiba-Taylor-and-Blue-Nesta-363899077299899/) joined by Liana Dagmar (https://www.facebook.com/Lianadagmar/) A series of images to try and recapture the mood...