The Knickerbocker Cafe
Southern New England's Premier Night Club for Roots Music! The history of the Knickerbocker is hard to recap in a few words. It hosted decades of weddings and local social events. It was the birthplace of a local music scene that went on to have national implications. This history also includes the Men’s Bar, which is as unique as any place in the world.
In the ‘70’s, the Knick even spawned it’s own language: Alcove….Roomful… Hot Sandwiches. Born under the neon lights of the Cascade Room, these were expressions and experiences that are still dear to the hearts of the people who were lucky enough to be there at that time.
The old Knickerbocker brought people together regardless of background or social standing. The patrons shared a passion for real music and this was their common ground. The Knick is once again stomping grounds for the denizens of old–it will also be home to a new generation of music lovers everywhere.
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