Hawthorne's Backyard
Monday-$2 Domestic Bottles and 50 cent wings
Tuesday-$2 Tall Boy's, $3 Fireball Shots, 1/2 price app
Wednesday-$6 Domestic Pitchers, all you can eat wings
Thursday-$2 domestic drafts, $4 vegas bombs, slab and half ribs for $21 and $5 basket of beer battered chicken tenders
Friday-$3 Import/Craft drafts, $3 Cruzan rum mixed drinks, Haddock Fish Fry
Saturday-$4 Rum punch, $4 spiked tea, $5 pain killers, all you can eat crab legs & prime rib
Sunday-$12 Miller Buckets $5 36 ounce Bloody Marys, kids eat free
$12 "We Pick It" Buckets..All Day, Everyday!!!
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