Club Fitness of Waupun
Locally owned (Jeff & Lisa Collien, owners) 24 hour access - No key card charge - FREE WiFi - Tanning (member & non-members) - Lux Sauna - Personal Training - Variety of Supplements - Classes: including; ZUMBA, ZUMBA Toning, Pilates, Yoga & Boot Camps....and so much more!!!
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2 of 5 Most Effective Exercises For Seeing Results Push-ups Why They Rock: Push ups, like squats, are compound movements using almost all the muscles of your body. You'll work your chest, shoulders, triceps, back, and abs all while increasing your upper body strength. How To: Get into a plank position—hands wider than shoulders and balancing on the toes or, for a modification, on the knees. Your body should be in a straight line from head to knees/heels. Slowly bend your arms and lower your body to the floor, keeping your neck straight and going all the way down until your nose touches the floor, if you can. And then push back up. Try to avoid locking the elbows at the top of the movements. ~Pushup Variations: ~Pushups on the ball ~Pushups with hands on the ball ~Incline pushups ~Staggered pushups ~Pushups on bench ~Pushups with feet on bench ~Pushups with side plank
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1 of 5 Most Effective Exercises for Seeing Results Squats Why They Rock: Squats work just about every muscle in the lower body, including the glutes, hips, thighs, and calves. Not only that, it's a movement we do regularly throughout the day, so using it in your workouts will add some functionality to your training. How To: Stand with feet hip-width apart and toes facing straight ahead or angled slightly outward. Slowly bend the knees and squat, sending the hips back behind you while keeping your torso straight and abs pulled in tight. Keep your knees behind your toes. Make sure everything's pointing in the same direction. Squat as low as you can and push into your heels to stand up. Squat Variations: ~Squat with one dumbbell ~Squat with dumbbells ~Barbell squat ~Wide leg squat ~Front squat ~Wall sit ~One-leg squat ~Plie squat ~Cable squat - my personal favorite:)
What do you want from your workouts? If you really think about it, you probably want a workout that's short, effective, easy to follow, and fun. Or at least a workout that is not too boring and hits more than one area of fitness to save you some time. If that's what you're looking for, there are some exercises you'll want to include in your workouts. Tune in over the next 5 days as I will list the 5 best and most effective exercises for weight loss and toning while working your entire body! ~L~
CF HEALTH BEAT May Newsletter
Check out this month's newsletter!
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Proof that it is not always just about doing cardio or pounding the pavement to get in shape or improve your cardiovascular health for a race/marathon. Lifting weights is just as important. This is why we use traditional weight training exercises/equipment in our group training classes. Some of the exercises include squats in the racks, deadlifts, bench, cable machines, shoulder press, rows, etc... in addition to your typical HIIT types of exercises to get you results! #lift #weights #run #strength #marathon #strong
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HEY MEMBERS! Please be sure to always let us know when you are planning on or have participated in any fitness event! We love sharing our members accomplishments whether big or small:) Please include pics if possible! 🙏💪
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Another BIG SHOUT OUT to CF member Brian Kolb who participated in the Oshkosh Half Marathon this morning! He finished with a time of 2:17:17! Way to go Brian:)
Photos from Club Fitness of Waupun's post
A big SHOUT OUT to our CF members who participated in the Oshkosh Half Marathon this morning! Shelly Bronkhorst received 1st place in her age bracket for women's division and Derek Minnema received 2nd place in the Men's "Clydesdale" division. Congrats to all! You guys ROCK!
Photos from Club Fitness of Waupun's post
HEY GUYS!!! Tomorrow is the last day to give Zumba a try for FREE! All you have to do is SHOW UP:)
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We have been getting a lot of questions asking if a person needs to be a member to participate in our group training classes here at CF. The answer is NO. In fact ALL classes & tanning are open to members AND non-members! So what are you waiting for? EVERYONE who has never tried our group training classes, can try their first class on us! FREE :) You won't regret it! Emma Holland Jeffrey S Collien Brooke Straks Jadyn E. Franklin Jackie Wendlandt Megan Wendlandt