The Brandeis University Men of Color Alliance
Since 2009, The Brandeis Men of Color Alliance has sought to provide a space of unity and brotherhood for minority male students at Brandeis University. The incredibly, impeccably, immaculately distinguished Scholar Kings of The Men of Color Alliance, or MOCA for short. We are a network of mostly, but not exclusively, students who identify as men of color here at Brandeis. Since 2009, we have held weekly meetings to discuss new things we've learned, experiences and created a sacred space for us to be a band of brothers as we matriculate through our undergrad years. Recently, we have revamped the group in attempts to grow membership, become more involved with events and people outside of the university and create an even richer MOCA experience for existing and future MOCA Men.
Connections. Brandeis can seem like an island at times. Though located 10 minutes outside of Boston, it can feel more like 1000 miles. MOCA often tries to foster relationships with people who will come to meetings, provide insight and present opportunities to events, community service and to broaden our network. Though we have had people come to speak, we now would like to tap into larger networks.
BECOMING A PART OF THE MOCA MOVEMENT. More than anything, We ask that you take this as an invitation to join the lives of young men who wish to see the world and be outstanding citizens. You can meet some truly incredible people by becoming a MOCA Man. We have future actors, directors, lawyers and hedge fund managers, all waiting to be unleashed into the world. Please join us as we create the space for future students to have a place where they are not left alone, especially as men of color at predominantly white institutions. We have done quite well for ourselves with what little blessings we have had, but we want to be more, see more, and give more, so I ask for your assistance in helping us live out the words of our creed; "As positions of power at this institution worthy of serving future Brandeis students [...] we WILL leave
this institution better than it was founded. We are The Men of Color Alliance until separated from life."
Thank You, Be Blessed.
Stacy Finley '15
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