Vidor High School
Welcome to the official Vidor High School Facebook page. The intent of this page is to increase community involvement and celebrate student achievements. Alma Mater
Hail Alma Mater!
Hats off to you.
Ever you’ll find us,
Loyal and true.
Firm and undaunted,
Always we’ll be.
Here’s to the school,
We love:
Here’s a cheer for thee!
Fight Song
Oh when those Mighty Pirates fall in line,
We’re gonna’ fight to win another time.
And for those Pirates that we love so well,
We’re gonna’ yell and yell and yell and yell and yell!
We’re gonna’ fight, fight, fight for every score.
And then we’ll come right back and score some more.
We’re gonna’ beat those ___________ anytime, every time.
Fight, Fight, FIGHT!
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facebook.comVidor ISD
Vidor High School
Early release schedule today. Everyone have a safe spring break.
Reminder: Vidor High School will release early this Friday, March 10th for the start of Spring Break. The last period will end at 11:45 am and lunch will be served from 11:45 am to 12:15 pm
Congratulations to the Vidor Pirate Players for their showing of Amadeus at One Act Play. Gillian Grant received Honorable Mention all star cast, Nick Lewis received All star cast and Alston Jones received Best Actor. Great Job to all the students and Mr. Adam Conrad! It's a great day to be a Pirate!
Lady Pirate Powerlifting went to Regionals yesterday. Taylor Killgo finished 5th place. Hope Pridgen finished 4th place. Hayley Kinard & Jenna Hoffmann both were Regional Champions. Hayley set Regional record with a 280 Squat & recieved the Award for Outstanding squat on a Light Platform. The team placed 3rd in the Region. Congratulations Ladies! It's a great day to be a Pirate!
Timeline Photos
This past Saturday, February 11th the VHS Mock Trial Team competed in a mock trial challenge event. Thousands of high school students from across the state participate each year in this highly motivating, energetic, and challenging academic competition! The program provides a great way for students to gain an “insider’s view” of our judicial system, plus, they gain confidence speaking in front of others and have a lot of fun at the same time. Each team must learn both sides of the case study (Prosecution/Plaintiff and Defense) and students must play the roles of both attorneys and witnesses in a ‘mock’ trial. Members work together to learn the facts of the case and create strategies for trial and then compete in local-area meets. At Saturday's district event all of the Beaumont schools sent a team along with the Vidor High School team to the Jefferson County Courthouse in an all day proceeding. Congratulations to the Vidor Team placing 3rd in the event. Team members include: Asa Droddy, Ramee Fowler, Gillian Grant, Annabeth Harris, Brenn Holcombe, Charlie Huang, Skyla Lakey, Seth LaPray, Tyler Root, Preston Wilkins, Coach Attorney Mitch Smith and CTE Teacher Tammie Landry (not pictured)
Tracy Kennick 12 News Daybreak
Congratulations to these outstanding students!
There will be a mandatory informational meeting for Vidor High School Brigadette Tryouts on Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 6pm in the choir room. Please be there with a parent or guardian so you can sign up and get your tryout packet.
Vidor High School
Reminder to all current 8th grade parents:
Reminder: Due to a scheduling conflict with the host site, Vidor High School will hold graduation ceremonies in the Beaumont Montagne Center on Saturday, May 27 at 10:00 a.m. This announcement was made in the fall but we will continuously remind everyone as the date draws nearer.
We have a full schedule of events in Pirate Nation this evening. The Pirate & Lady Pirate soccer teams will both play in Pirate Stadium tonight. The Lady Pirates basketball team will have senior night this evening against Central High School. The boys basketball team heads on the road for another district contest with Beaumont Central. Our softball girls start the season with a scrimmage against Buna. The swim teams are traveling to Regionals. Many of our talented musicians will be competing in UIL Solo and Ensemble contests. Good luck to all those competing this evening. We hope you make time to come out and support our students. It's a great day to be a Pirate!
Reminder: All 8th grade parents and students: A Parent Night will be held in the VHS Auditorium on Thursday, February 9th at 6:30 pm for current 8th grade students. We will be providing information on graduation requirements and registration for 9th grade. We encourage all members and parents of the VHS Class of 2021 to attend. It's a great day to be a Pirate!