CrossFit Crazy Strong
CrossFit Crazy Strong is a gym full of dedicated people with a goal of living better, healthier, happier lives through fitness and proper nutrition. WHO WE ARE:
CrossFit Crazy Strong is a gym full of dedicated people led by professional coaches with a goal of living better, healthier lives through fitness and proper nutrition. When you improve the way you look, feel, and perform, everything else in life becomes easier. You will be stronger physically and mentally, and push the boundaries of what you ever thought possible.
To empower our members to live their lives STRONG! We promote functional movements that are useful in daily life through challenging, constantly varied programming. We believe in active involvement to strengthen our local community, while staying connected globally to the CrossFit organization.
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Friday, 04/07/2017 - Two Scores...135# Thrusters No Joke!
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Thursday, 04/06/2017 - Wall Balls and Double Unders!!!
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Wednesday 04/05/2017 - Crazy Strong Storm Evacuation
CrossFit Crazy Strong
Easter is next week!!! Don't forget no classes on Good Friday!
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Congratulations Joann Jett for successfully completing OnRamp and becoming a Crazy Strong CrossFitter!!!
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Monday, 04/03/2017 - Great Monday Workout
So proud of Etta Varnadoe!!! She RX'd her first WOD today! Way to go Etta! Keep up the great work!!!
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No gains if you skip.. especially on a Monday. See you there. Classes 5AM 6AM 8:30AM 4:30PM 5:30PM 6:30PM
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03/31/2017 - Overhead Squats, Burpees, and Wallballs!.
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Thursday 03/30/2017 - 5RFT of 150-ft Bear Crawls, 20 KB Swings (50/35), 10 Box Jumps (30/24)
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When boxes attack!! So sorry, Justin Jay! Wishing you a speedy recovery #officialcrossfitternow