Vernon Township Ambulance Squad
A volunteer agency that provides medical and trauma assistance to over 23,000 residents and to over 75,000 visitors that come to Vernon each year.
Squad History
March 15, 1964
First Organizational Meeting is held
March 22, 1964
Second Organizational Meeting is held
Other interesting facts about the history of the Vernon Township
Ambulance Squad:
· John Seckler donated land in Highland Lakes to build an ambulance building.
· In the year 1963, seven men founded the Vernon Township Ambulance Squad Inc #1 and formed the charter.
Those men were:
Parker Adelberg
Frank Altamura
Kenneth Cleveland
John Leeds
Howard McGuire
Jack Reeth
Dalton Shimko
· When the VTAS was started, only the Highland Lakes area was served. A few months later, they found they needed to cover the rest of the Township.
· In the old days you sat by the phone to get a call. This was dedication to our community.
· The requirement was First Aid, childbirth, C.P.R., defensive driving, and extraction.
· As time went on, the need for a building in the Valley became evident. Robert Baldwin Sr. donated the land on Rt. 94, behind the Dairy Queen.
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