USD Dakota Days
Join us for the 101st Dakota Days in 2015! Festivities take place the week of September 27 - October 3 2015. A complete list of events will be released in the fall.
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Wondering how to take your USD pride and Coyote passion to the next level? The Dakota Days Executive board is accepting applications for the 2017 Dakota Days positions now until Sunday, Nov. 13th. This is a great opportunity to use your skills and get involved on campus! The application can be found on the MyU portal, under the campus tab.
Timeline Photos
Wake up Yotes, HAPPY DDAYS! Feels almost like Christmas morning, but even better! Parade starts at 9am along Main Street, tailgate begins at 10, and then the game at 2pm to follow! We will be crowning our next Mr. and Miss South Dakota at halftime. We are looking forward to today and can't wait to celebrate our Coyote pride with you! #TheLifeTheLegacy
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A little #TBT to last year's Dakota Days Royalty crew! Log on to MyUSD Portal to cast your votes for this year's 2016 Mr. and Mrs. South Dakota. The final round of voting will close tomorrow (Friday) at 5pm. #TheLifeTheLegacy #GoYotes #HappyDDays
DJ Kor
It's 9 o'clock, and you know what that means 😏 Time to hit the dance floor with DJ Kor Yotes!!
Photos from USD Dakota Days's post
Vermtown Bash is happening right now, practically in your own back yard! (The Platz, downtown Verm) Come jump around in the bouncy houses, grab some free food, and pie royalty in the face! #HappyDDays #GoYotes
Timeline Photos
Stop by the MUC and pick up some Coyote spirit wear just in time for game day! Today's items are the official DDays shirts and tattoos. The fanny pack on display will be handed out Friday at the Pep Rally and will come with a coupon for a FREE Dome Dog. You don't want to miss it! #TheLifeTheLegacy #GoYotes
We've got a wonderful lineup for tonight's Yotes Got Talent show. Be sure to get to Aalfs Auditorium before 7 so you don't miss out on any of the action! #TheLifeTheLegacy #HappyDDays!
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Come grab your official Dakota Days shirt! They are $10 and we will be in the MUC all week tabling. Check us out! #TheLifeTheLegacy #GoYotes
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Mondays aren't so bad when it's DDays! If you haven't heard already, here is what we have going on this week. Be sure to stop in the MUC as we will be handing out all sorts of fun Coyote gear. #GoYotes
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Come check us out in the MUC and grab a foam finger for the game! Better hurry though, they're going quick. #HappyDDays
Photos from USD Dakota Days's post
Check out our winners from MUC BINGO tonight! Stay tuned for more of the fun we have planned for this week. #TheLifeTheLegacy #HappyDDays #GoYotes
Timeline Photos
Only 22 minutes until MUC Bingo begins. COME WIN COYOTES! #HAPPYDDAYS