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All Saints Episcopal School - Tyler

2695 S Southwest Loop 323, Tyler, United States
High School



For more information, visit All Saints Episcopal School, Tyler, Texas was incorporated as a legal entity in May of 1976. The school began the 1976 – 1977 school year with a meager enrollment of 118 students and 11 faculty members with classes through the 6th grade. During 1983 and 1984, the flourishing school outgrew the local Christ Episcopal Church facilities. Thanks to the faith and vision of a dedicated Board of Trustees and a group of parents, the present campus on the corner of Loop 323 and Briarwood Road became a reality with the construction of the Lower School building. All Saints had 326 students enrolled in Pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade at that time.

In 1992 the school purchased an additional 108 acres of land surrounding the Lower School. Since 1992 the school has added facilities to encompass grades pre-K through 12th, a choir room, band hall, science and mathematics facility, administration offices, art studios, an outdoor environmental education center, and many athletic venues. In 1997 All Saints first graduating class (12 students) matriculated.

All Saints Episcopal School, an independent, co-educational college preparatory school, is accredited by the Independent School Association of the Southwest (ISAS) and the Southwestern Association of Episcopal Schools (SAES). The school offers a classical, liberal arts program for grades pre-K through 12. All Saints promotes excellence in education through a balance of programs that cultivate every aspect of its students’ lives: intellectual, spiritual, philosophical, physical, social, and cultural. It is the commitment of All Saints to provide an environment that cultivates not only the mind, but the heart and soul as well. We believe that the school provides the first steps to final success for our students.


Check out Grant Lichtman's blog post about his visit to our campus. "I have visited a lot of schools in the last five years; All Saints is a positive outlier in the rate of school change which other school leaders might do well to study."

Congratulations to our 5 Odyssey of the Mind teams on their amazing performances at the North Texas Regional OM tournament. Our 1st and 2nd grade primary teams wowed the judges with their balsa wood structures and skits about a cooking show. Thank you to all our dedicated coaches who helped make it happen! We are thrilled to announce that our 2 competition teams will be advancing to the State Finals. Our 3rd grade team, coached by Mrs. Arnold and Mrs. Katie Johnson, won 2nd place with their humorous performance about an intergalactic hangout. Our 4th grade team, coached by Ms. Culwell and Dr. Patel, won 1st place with their tale of the "shadownapping" of Peter Pan's shadow. #asestyler #innovation #inquiry #impact

Very fun morning at the Maker Fair! Kids young and old built catapults, moved the ‘bots’, created rockets and turtles, smiled in front of the green screen, and operated the AP Laser! These students were hands-on learners this morning and were loving it! #authenticlearning #innovation #inquiry

Our students are making big and bold statements today with author Grant Lichtman. We are empowering these students to make change! #movetherock #innovation #creatingvalue #startswiththekids

ASES Parents enjoying time with Grant Lichtman, author of Moving the Rock. He is on campus today meeting with parents, students and teachers to help us build capacity and comfort with innovation in response to a rapidly changing world. #innovation #asestyler

In case you haven't heard, we are auctioning off a GOAT at the Spring Gala on March 3! Watch the video to see details....and buy your gala tickets TODAY!!

At the Spring Gala on March 3, we will auction off an AMAZING classic car. Our "Pit Crew" (aka ASES Board Members) are lending a helping hand to parent Ed Datwyler to refurbish the MGA 1600. (Well....sort of!) Our Board is holding the back fender and new floorboards for the car! Come bid on the car on March 3 at the All Saints Gala!

Our Debate Team is knocking the lights out right now!! Liza Naydanova, Evan Pan, Asher Fanous, Bradley Tidwell and Gabrielle Lea advanced to the Top 16 teams in the International Public Policy Forum competition. That puts them in the top 16 teams IN THE WORLD!!! For these efforts, our team will be awarded a prize of $400. We are the only team left standing in the state of Texas, and will now compete against a school in Slovakia. We are beaming with pride! This accomplishment is amazing, and we are SO PROUD of our team.

Egg Sale TOMORROW (Wednesday, Feb. 21) starting at 7:25 a.m. in the Lower School drop-off line! #eggcellent #eggceptional #allsaintseggworld #asestyler

Come out Tuesday, Feb. 20 (tonight!) to support our Trojan Basketball Team as they have an Area Playoff Game at HOME at 7:00pm!

Currently ranked 9th in the state, our Lady Trojans have had an excellent season. They will play in the Bi-District Championship on Monday against El Paso Lydia Patterson. #goladytrojans #asestyler

This photo was taken today on Valentines Day in honor of the The Great Kindness Challenge. These are the 3K - 4th grade students, sitting in the shape of a heart. They are working hard this week to be kind to one another, and perform random acts of kindness to people around them.


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