Tucumcari Recreation Department
Providing Tucumcari youth a low cost recreation facility and programs.
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facebook.comThe Tucumcari Recreation Center will be hosting the Tucumcari Lunch Program again this summer..They will serve free lunches for kids up to 18 years old here at the Rec Center starting today at 12 noon till 12:30 ..so please share & help spread the word and come visit us at 900 E. Laughlin Ave ..our hours are from 11:30am till 8pm.
Photos from Tucumcari Recreation Department's post
The Tucumcari Recreation Center would like to give a special thanks to Pastor Derrek and all the people of the First Assembly Church that came to the Rec Center this past Sunday and participated in what was an awsome day. We had over 50 people here to fix, clean, and paint, inside and ouside the Rec Center and it trully made a difference. We cannot thank everybody enough for their contribution..We thank all of the people of the First Assembly Church for their commitment to their community. Truly a Blessing ..
Final day for basketball registrations is tomorrow the 20th of Jan.if you know of any kids 5-6 grade interested in playing basketball have them contact or come by the Rec Center. Also there is still a lot of football equipment that has not been turned in. if you, or if you know of anyone that has not turned in their football equipment please let them know. .there was a form everyone that was issued equipment signed stating they aknowlege they will be billed if it is not turned in. Please help get the word out.Thank you..
Tucumcari Recreation Center will be hosting the Kights of Columbus Free throw shooting contest on Saturday Jan 7th at 11am here at the Rec Center. this is for ages 9 - 14 , must be af age as of Jan 1st.if you know anyone interested in paticapating Have them contact or visit the Rec Center Mon - Fri 12pm - 8pm 900 E. Laughlin Ave. 575-461-1647.
Recreation Center will Be Closed for the Christmas Holiday on Friday Dec 23rd through Monday dec 26 ..We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas.
We still need a few more boys and girls for 1-2 grade basketball.we are extending signups till Monday November 7th..Please like and share to help us get the word out..deadline for 3-4 grade in Dec 1st... Deadline for 5-6 is Jan 6th..some age ristrictions may apply.for information call the Rec Center at 575-461-1647.
November 1st deadline is approaching fast for 1-2 grade basketball don't wait till its too late..sign up today. come by the rec center 900 E. Laughlin Ave. open 12-8pm mon-fri 1-6pm on Sat..Please like and share..help spread the word.
We are now taking registrations for basketball, for boys and girls 1st-6th grade.some age ristrictions may apply..deadlines: 1st-2nd Grade is Nov 1st .. 3rd-4th is Dec 1st .. 5th-6th is Jan 1st..never too early to sign up, but dont wait till its to late..for more information visit us at 900 E. Laughlin Ave. or call us at 461-1647..
We are still taking registrations for Tackle Football, registrations for Flag Football & Volleyball are now closed..We are still in need of Flag Football Coaches , we can not start season yet because of lack of coaches if you know of someone intersted please contact us at Rec Center 461-1647..
We are still taking registrations for 11 - 12 year olds for Tackle Football if you know any 11-12 Year olds that want to play Tackle Football send them to the rec center..We also need 1 more Flag Football Coach. if you know anyone who would like to coach Flag Football contact us here at the Rec Center. 461-1647..
Last week to sign up for Fall Sports..dont wait till its to late..sign up at the Rec Center 901 E. Laughlin Ave. open 12pm - 8pm Mon - Fri 1pm - 6pm on Sat..for information call 461-1647
The Tucumcari Recreation Center is looking forward to the upcoming Fall Sports Season.We are now taking registrations for Tackle Football, Flag Football, & Volleyball..We would also like to inform you the parents that we will be splitting the Tackle Football League into 2 Divisions, 9-10 & 11-12.. This will not only make it more fun for the younger players, but most important much safer as well. As the Youth Sports Director for the past few years I have realized the system in place does not work for the younger players in a 9-12 year old Division, so this is why I am attempting to make the change. But this will depend on the number of kids we sign up. So I hope this makes parents feel better about signing your child up for Tackle Football. I will continue to make the necessary changes to make our Youth Sports Leagues fun & safe for kids in our community. Thank You.. For more in formation contact us at 461-1647 or visit us at 900 E. Laughlin Ave, our hrs are from 12pm till 8pm Mon-Fri & 1pm-6pm on Sat.Like, Share & Friend us on Facebook.. Sincerely , Jesus Mendez - Youth Sports Director