St. Frances Cabrini Youth Group Tucson AZ
We pray and play! Our youth group explores who God wants us to be through interactive discussions, service projects, and exciting group events. Our main area of exploration this year will be
“The Monsters Under Our Beds.” We will be focusing on areas of our lives which keep us from getting closer to God and who God wants us to be. The first 3 topics will be Fear, Discouragement, and Worry. We will check out what the Old Testament and the New Testament say about these topics.
Who in the Bible experienced fear, discouragement, and worry? How did they handle it? What does God say to us?
IF YOU ARE NEW TO THE PARISH OR WOULD LIKE TO JOIN US THIS YEAR, GIVE MARY LOU A CALL AT 488- 3213. We are a very friendly, welcoming group.
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