Central United Methodist Church - Traverse City
Website: www.tccentralumc.org
Photo Allbums: https://cumctc.shutterfly.com
(see our long description for more information) Central has specific Facebook groups you may be interested in!
Children's Ministry https://www.facebook.com/groups/childrensministries/
Middle School Youth https://www.facebook.com/groups/cumcmsyouthgroup/
High School Youth https://www.facebook.com/groups/cumchsyouthgroup/
Building Better Moms https://www.facebook.com/groups/BBMTraverseCity/
Our congregation was founded under the pastorate of the Rev. D. R. Latham, a Methodist Episcopal Church preacher from New York state. Eight Pastors served between 1858 and 1867 when Hannah, Lay & Co. gave the land in the 400 block of Washington St. for a church, which was dedicated Oct. 13, 1867. The building at 222 Cass Street was dedicated on June 22, 1913. In 2008, Central celebrated 150 Years - Sesquicentennial Celebration.
Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors.
Tell your friends
facebook.comResurrection, composed by Jeffrey Leech, May 7th
TART Trails
"Burning Hearts" April 30, 2017
Timeline Photos
Palm Sunday Photo Fun check out the photo album - pix.sfly.com/1u5Mq3S-
May Gathering
Did you love the Lenten Lunch series? Church Women United is resuming their regular monthly meetings next week.
Timeline Photos
#tbt to 1982!
Timeline Photos
Join the Pastors after the 11am service this week for coffee and conversation. This is a great introduction to the church if you are new, or visiting.
UMW Spring Rummage Sale
Donations are being collected in the Chapel. If you are able to help move them into the Fellowship Hall Wednesday evening, or help clean up Saturday after the sale all hands are appreciated!
Spring Women’s Retreat 2017 – Central United Methodist Church
There is still time to register for the Women's Retreat. It is THIS Saturday, in room 301. Bring a friend, it will be a great day of of personal discovery and nourishment for self and soul. More information and registration can be found here http://www.tccentralumc.org/springretreat/
When Doubts Arise
Central United Methodist Church - Traverse City
Easter Sunday 2017 "Someone to Guide Us Through the Cave"