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AFROTC Det 025

951 S Cady Mall, Tempe, United States
Government organization



Please call (480) 965-3181 or email for more information. Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corp (ROTC) is the foremost school of leadership in the nation, and our detachment ranks among the finest ROTC programs. With academic instruction from a cadre of experienced officers and a strong physical fitness program, our hundred-strong cadet wing strengthens their bodies and minds. Each year, we commission a new group of lieutenants, fully prepared to serve the nation as the leaders of the world's most powerful military force.

As a cadet at ASU, you will lead a full life; you will take classes in the Air Force curriculum alongside your regular college course load. ROTC is a large part of life, but many of our cadets pursue fraternities, student government, athletics and more. You will still be able to enjoy a full college experience, receiving a great education without sacrificing your intellectual freedom. A person curious about the military can pursue ROTC for two years without incurring any service commitment.
