Calo Programs
Calo (“kay-lo”) Programs is a specialized family of behavioral health programs nationally recognized for complex developmental trauma treatment. No single treatment program can be all things to all troubled teenagers. Generalist programs claim they can and may help teens with family, nutrition, values, physical fitness, and other important issues, but they are in no way specialized. CALO is different. It was created with the need for specialty care in mind. Our sole focus is helping emotionally out of control teens with a history of trauma.
Canines Have Ground-Breaking Impact on Traumatized Teens
Despite numerous therapeutic efforts, many traumatized teens remain emotionally disengaged and relationally disconnected. However, canines have proven to break through these defenses. Our canine program is an integral part of CALO. Through providing physical care, nurturing, and training golden retrievers, our teenagers build empathy and trust while also learning how to bond with and care for others. They learn to sustain a truly reciprocal relationship.
CALO’s Attachment Based Treatment Model
Most programs speak of being values-based, family oriented, clinically sophisticated, and experiential; but ultimately, they create change using some version of behavior modification. Not CALO. We create change from the inside out, heart first and behavior second. There are no levels in our program. Instead, our interventions focus on creating authentic connections with others. We believe relationships must be the change agent; that fairness is getting what you need, regardless of whether you earn it or not; that alliance, not compliance, is the answer.. We believe that relationships are the fertile ground where connection, trust, and reciprocity are learned.
The Importance of Clinical Integrity
At CALO we are adamant that all CALO employees must make decisions based on the same treatment model. Every CALO employee is accountable to an overarching set of attachment principles and trauma-informed thought. We call this “clinical integrity.” In order to maintain clinical integrity, we have a proprietary model with related instructional materials that we use to train all staff. Even the students are trained in our model and can speak it proficiently. Other programs will use buzzwords like “attachment,” “relationship,” “adoption,” and the like. Ask to see their treatment model; they will not know how to produce it. Ask this at CALO and you will receive consistent, clinically focused answers that reflect the integrity of the treatment modality.
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facebook.comThank you Louise Slater and May Peach for sharing your insights and reflections on the Calo conference. So good to see you both. #healingtrauma2018 #gototheroot
Thank you The Price Group Therapeutic & Educational Planning Services for your visit and thoughtful summary! 🙏 #gototheroot #creatingjoy #healingtrauma2018 🐕 “Calo made a distinction between happiness and joy. They believe that happiness is often the absence of pain or suffering and is elusive. However, joy is a quite different emotion and can be experienced even when suffering and pain are also present. Joy is more an experience of being in the “present” and being able to experience the connection and love from one another. We can learn to be still and meditate and focus on people and events that bring us joy and as we share joy with others, our joy and their joy will increase!”.... Read more...
New Vision Wilderness Asheville is now open and already enrolled first young adult student! Our canine Freedom was ready to receive him! #youngadulttreatment #calogoldens #newvision #wildernesstherapy 🌲 🐕 ❤️ ⛺️ NVW Asheville -Open for enrollments -Starting with young adults and the eventually adolescent programming Extremely Strong and Veteran Start Up Team -Liz Deardorff, LCSW, our longest employed NVW therapist, is carrying a caseload, overseeing, and training new therapists -Start up and programming is overseen by Adam Eader, our longest employed programming and admissions teammate -Executive Director, Kristina Fortner, will oversee NVW Asheville and will be working closely with Liz, Adam, and all NVW leadership. -Field Leadership will be provided by three veteran NVW leaders from Oregon and Wisconsin: Carolyn Walton, Barrett Wood, and Russ Shy Clinical Focus: depression and anxiety, trauma, attachment -Canine Therapy: Freedom (female) has already been introduced! -Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga - Brainspotting -Mastery Program -Adventure Education -And much more To learn more about NVW Asheville or to make a referral, please call Adam Eader at (414)801-9792 or the NVW Admissions Line at (855) 689-8326. Adam can also be reached by email at
The 2018 Healing Trauma conference may be over the memories will last a lifetime. Thanks to all those who attended and for your active participation. We are on a journey to heal childhood trauma and ensure all those who experience the effects of early adverse experiences get appropriate care.
Great to have you Terry Levy! #creatingjoy #trustrestored #2018calotraumaconference
Embark Differentiators Time – One week of innovated family intensive work with Embark is worth years of therapy… Experience – We optimize pairing up education with experience to maximize learning and reinforcement of new skills. Individualized Focus – Embark individually focuses on one family to provide optimal treatment. Register today for the webinar to learn more - there are still spots open. #gototheroot #innovation
A randomized controlled trial showed that a 12-minute hospital visit with a therapy dog showed to improve hemodynamic measures, lower neurohormone levels, and decreases anxiety in patients with advanced heart failure. #evidence #caninetherapy #calogoldens 🐕
Research confirms that the benefits of pet therapy are real—but what do dogs think about helping humans? Science has considered this question too, and the results are reassuring. A recent study in Applied Animal Behaviour Science reports that therapy dogs in pediatric cancer wards are not stressed by their "work," and in fact seem to enjoy it in most cases. #calogoldens #creatingjoy #caninetherapy 🐕
The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain. #caloprograms #createjoy #gototheroot
Great interview on what it means to be a true leader. Thankful we are an organization that believes in the Core Values of Service and Trusting Relationships. #servantleadership
Adverse Childhood Experiences can so deeply influence and change a child's brain and thus their physical and emotional health and quality of life across their lifetime that it is critical that these young people get the appropriate specialized treatment. Calo Programs has been providing this specialized care for over a decade. #gototheroot #caloprograms
You are invited to a free webinar to learn more about the incredibly impactful Embark Family Intensives! May 7th and May 11th. Register here: