Trains Etc-Tehachapi
Trains Etc is primarily a model train store, but it also includes souvenirs, books, toys,
model paints, glues, model kits, and balsa wood gliders. Open Mon., Wed thru Sat. 9:30 to 5 / Closed Sat. Open Sun 11 to 4
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Buy all the gondolas, shelving and hooks for $1,100 or buy what you need price can be negotiated. Call 822-7777 or email me at if needed.
As of April 30th. the store will be officially closed, and I probably will not be using this page. Thanks to all of you for your support. I wish all of you a Blessed Future. I will be selling some things on E-Bay under the vendor lcgca.
Photos from Trains Etc-Tehachapi's post
Trains, Etc. is closing on April 30. We have Gondola Shelving for sale. Almost everything is discounted by at least 20 to 30% Double sided (12) 4 Foot Sections $60 ea. or $600/lot Single sided (14) 4 Foot Sections $40. ea. or $420/lot All above combined $900.00 Shelves various sizes $8 ea, Shelf Brackets $5/pair Entire package all Gondolas, shelves and brackets $1,200. Image may contain: indoor No automatic alt text available.
Train Simulator
Timeline Photos
Reminder that Trains, ETC will be closing April 30th
Reminder that Trains, ETC will be closing April 30th.
All Melissa & Doug items 30% Off, Nightshirts (Behind this cute caboose) 30% Children's Wear 30% Off.
Timeline Photos
I am sorry to say that we finally made the decision to close the store. I have attached a flyer. I am going to miss everyone and their support. I loved working with everyone downtown and the City. But being in my 70's it is time to retire and be with my family. I want to go see a ball game or something with them where we both can go and not just one of us. I think I will probably be selling things on E-Bay, but I have to wait and see.
Timeline Photos
This weekend is the Bakersfield Train Show that is located at the Kern County Fairgrounds see attached flyer. If you like trains, want to buy or just see the fantastic layouts come on by. Trains, Etc will be there also with seven tables that include some rare engines and sets that have never been open. We will also have some things will be discounted 10 to 30%. Hope to see you there. We are located near the second door (not the entrance door) at the front of the building or come in and turn left and go to the second and we will be in that area.
FYI, I am selling primarily on E-bay under the seller name lcgca. My website never took off.
The Bakersfield Train Show will be held next weekend (3/4 & 3/5). It will be held at the Bakersfield Fair Grounds. Sat. 10 to 5 and Sun 10 to 4. Come by and say hi. We will be located at the front, near the doorr that is not the entrance door.
Yosemite National Park