Bethany United Methodist Church
We hope you’ll feel welcome here! We support and live by the United Methodist Church’s philosophy that UMC churches should have "Open Hearts, Open Minds, and Open Doors." We hope you’ll feel welcome here!
We support and live by the United Methodist Church’s philosophy that UMC churches should have "Open Hearts, Open Minds, and Open Doors." Worship with us on Sunday mornings at 8 AM, 8:45 AM or 11:15 AM.
We offer child care and Sunday School for all ages!
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facebook.comKidsCare needs tutoring volunteers & more ..they are looking for at least three people to fill part-time positions Monday thru Friday, hours will vary week to week but we are open from 1:15 pm till 6:00 pm. It would be a plus if one of these had a CDL certification. This is an ideal position for a college student with morning classes.
Mark your calendar for the Fall Festival & Trunk or Treat. Oct 29! If you want to decorate your car trunk for this really FUN & FESTIVE time, please contact Children's Ministries & Thank you
Autumn Bethany Tea Room Gift Shop
Last year during the Living Christmas Story a wind storm knocked over and damaged the City Gate set. We need help on Saturday, Oct 7 and Saturday Oct 14 to repair the two towers and rebuild the walls that reinforce the tower. Tools will be provided. Please meet at the shed on the SW section of the church. We will start at 8:00 am and end no later than 12:00 noon. Please contact Matt Bates if you can help 803.767.8891.
REVISED TEA ROOM Dates This year, there will not be a Saturday Tea Room. If you would like to attend the Autumn Bethany Tea Room & Gift Shop you may do so 10/2- 10-6 & 10/9 - 10/13. Remember, for groups of 8 or more you can make reservations. 843.873.1230
The United Methodist Women's New Hope Circle will be meeting on Tuesday night, October 17th, at 7:00 the home of Lou Minus, 105 Tallow St., Summerville. Speaker will be Pam Christ, a board member of the Dorchester County Community Outreach which operates Home of Hope, Summerville's shelter for homeless men. She will share with us their plans to open Hope's House, a shelter for homeless women. This meeting is open to all women. Contact Donna Waite at 843-879-3395 or for more information.
October Beacon 2017 has been published! If you have signed up to receive the Bethany e-Links weekly news update, you have it in your email box! To view it now,
Research has shown #1 reason why people do not volunteer ...they weren't asked. Consider yourselves ASKED to help out! Additional volunteers are desperately needed for the Autumn Fall Bethany Tea Room. 1) Bakers for the sweet desserts (Did you know 30 cakes are needed a day 10/2-10/6 & 10/9-10/13?) 2. Dessert staff (folks are needed to cut & plate those delicious sweet treats!) 3. Servers/Wait Staff (We need folks who can serve our guests their Tea room choices) 4. We need Tea Room TRANSFORMERS...these are folks who are needed after the last Worship Service on 10/1 to come and help transform the Fellowship Hall into the warm & inviting Tea Room. 5. Gift Shop workers this is greeting & assisting shoppers in the gift shop. This special program raises the needing funding for so many Bethany Global & Local Mission work. We need YOUR HELP. Shifts are only 4 hours, and you do NOT need to work every day. Just the day(s) you pick!!!!
PICTURES ARE IN! If you have not received your complimentary 8 x 10 photo, and you had your portrait picture taken in August, please come visit the Welcome Center. Photos have been sent to us from Life Touch, and your picture may be in already! Come take a look! If your photos have not arrived at all, please call Life Touch at 1.888.313.1746
Our Children did a GREAT job today.
Our 3rd Graders were presented their Bibles this morning un 8:45 am Traditional Worship. This is very time honored traditon. Congratulations!
Mary and Martha circle meets on Monday, Sept. 25 at 6pm at Janice Waters’ home, 101 Queen Mary Ct., Summerville, SC 29845. We will begin a Mission Study on covenants. Guests are welcome! Contact Tina with questions 843-906-7301 or