Northern California Buddhist Conference 2014
Northern California Buddhist Conference
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Fulfill your new year’s resolution to enhance and heighten appreciation for the Teachings This is a one day event featuring speakers, live music, and great food to illuminate your senses and enlighten your grasp of "the true and real Light". Featuring Dharma Messages from Reverend Peter Inokoji-Kim (English), Reverend Katsuya Kusunoki (Japanese) and the Keynote Speaker Sensei Koichi Mizushima. Registration fee is $25 until 3/31/14 and $30 after. Youth ( ages 18 and under) $15 until 3/31/14, $20 after. Closing ceremony will feature music from Reverend Yuki. Hosted by Buddhist Church of Stockton. For information please call 209.466.6701. Thank you and hope to see you there!
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