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Central West End Scene (CWEscene)

449 N Euclid Ave, # 130, St. Louis, United States
Landmark & Historical Place


ad The CWE Business Community Improvement District was created in 2010 in accordance with the Community Improvement District Act, a Missouri statute, by hearing of the St. Louis Board of Alderman. The designated district is situated along the North Euclid Avenue commercial corridor, from Delmar Avenue moving south to Lindell Boulevard. The district serves as a community-strengthening tool designed to provide services and improvements for the district.

The mission of the CID is to enhance the district and the businesses it represents through a combination of physical improvements and aggressive promotion of the district as a destination location. Another key focus of the CID is to actively seek out new merchants and attractions for the district, further enhancing the character and charm of the neighborhood and its offerings.

These efforts are made financially possible through a 1% retail sales tax within the district. These monies are used to fund the aforementioned improvement projects, which include but are not limited to: cleaning, maintenance and public improvements; and marketing, branding, advertising and special events. The overwhelming approval of this tax represents a long-term commitment by the merchants in the district, as the special tax will be in place for a period of ten years.

The activities of the CID are guided by a Board of Commissioners, which is comprised of business and commercial property owners throughout the district. The Board acts as both ambassadors and active promoters of the area and its offerings. In addition to this governance group, the CID meets with the collective membership to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, voicing of concerns and collaboration on efforts between the merchants and community.



NEAR Central West End Scene (CWEscene)