Redemption Fitness STL
Fitness Training at the comfort level you deserve for yourself. Giving you strict accountability, motivation, and the will to achieve your Redemption! Offering Private, Personal Training, Small Group and Team Training Specializing in Weight Loss, Toning and Sculpting, Speed and Agility, Self Defense and Boxing, and Bodybuilding. Onsite training for Sports Teams available as well as online training for all.
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Our always make you wonder.....what's next?
Arnold putting in the work...making it look easy💪💪!!!! This is what determinatoon looks like 🔥🔥🔥! #ArnoldsRedemption #Beastmode #28lbRopes #Battleropes #TABATA #MakingWorkoutsFunAgain #OwningIt #Consistency #PuttingInTheWork #AllIn #AllTheTime #WaitAndSee #12weekChallenge #RedemptionTraining #PrivateandPersonalTraining #TrainingwithMandy
Best way to regroup!
💥Check Melanie out! 💥 Day 1 of experiencing a Redemption Style boxing circuit. Talk about effective👊👊👊! Working out CAN be FUN!!! #RedemptionFitnessBoxing #MakingWorkoutsFunAgain #JustStart #ItsInYou #ItsYourTime #GoForIt #YouGotThis #YouDeserveToFeelGood #Empowerment #FitnessISFun #NewYou #Boxing101 #PersonalPrivateTraining #Playdates #Progress #CardioFun #RedemptionFamily #Beastmode #Accomplishments #Effective #ResultsProven #TrainingwithMandy
Got that right!
I'll just leave this one right here....
These ladies made it look EASY! And by NO means is it!!! Check out Trish and Julie in motion! Couldn't ask for better choreography 😁😁😁! ***Note this is AFTER the workout 👊👊👊 Grab a partner and try it! #Allsmiles #Goodtimes #WeMakeItFun #2minutefinisher #AreTheyProfessionals #MustofHadDance #Playdates #Accomplishments #AllTheTime #Amazing #NotYourOrdinaryGym #PersonalPrivatetraining #Funtimes #RedemptionFamily #TrainingwithMandy #MakingItLookEasy
When you can't help but smile the whole workout because everyone is SO supportive! We are a work in progress in this clip but we did it! AND that's all that matters. EFFORT each and everyday within a circle of friends! #WorkoutswithFriends #PositivityIsContagious #Funtimes #Funhouse #Committed #BetterEveryday #Consistency #Power #Effort #ItOnlyGetsBetter #RedemptionFamily #Partnerwork #2minutefinisher #Endorphins