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South Meriden Trinity UMC

145 Main St, South Meriden, United States
Methodist Church



South Trinity Church is a Christian loving church , when you walk through the door you can feel the fellowship , in how they greet you.  For more than 150 years, South Meriden Trinity has been at the heart of our community. ​Now, more than ever, we believe that our community needs faith at its heart to make a difference in our lives - one person at a time. .

A church is not a building - a church is a people. If you feel like you need to be a part of something that brings you strength and meaning, we're here for you as your friends in faith.

Get to know us. Let us help God to enter your life. Our church family welcomes you, and we hope you will join us to worship.We are dedicated to helping you to be transformed by the living presence of God in today's world, fulfilling the promises of God found in God's revelation of love and salvation in the Bible.

There is a ramp to the front entrance doors, and the church is ADA accessible. Nursery for small children and babies is available during the worship service.

After the worship service, you are invited to join with us in Fellowship Hall for conversation plus coffee and. There is Sunday School available for all ages during this time  the children hear stories and do projects that help explain the Bible.

You are invited to sit with us and discuss the Scriptures for the day and the sermon; we get a better understanding, and everybody is welcome to share what they think and intuit. Laughter and love are part of this church's life.   


Come celebrate worship, fellowship, discipleship, intergenerational fun, and Holy Communion in a unique way this Sunday at 10AM!

Wasn't warm temperature-wise this morning,but what a warm start to a year of Christian discipleship we had this morning! Podcast with sermon slides, announcements and prayers, along with a video of Pastor John's sermon "Search Party", along with text, on the link. Warm up with faith this week!

Join the magi (three kings) at 10AM this Sunday, and begin the new year by searching diligently for the child of God in us and in the world! Happy New Year!

Our thanks to Sally Dow and Laurie Brandl for their leading worship on Sunday, telling us great stories about Christmas carols and leading in a sing-along. Have a blessed and joy-filled New Year!

Chicken, biscuits, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, vegetable, homemade cookies, brownies, & beverages. Pre sold tickets only limited seating. $10.00 Contact Debbie Moore for tickets 203-237-8209

What a joyful, love-filled and amazing Christmas Pageant we had on Christmas Eve morning, and what a warm, hopeful and peaceful Candlelight service in the evening! LOTS of photos from the pageant day, and a podcast of the Candlelight sermon and prayers, and sermon text. Have a blessed Christmas celebration! Joy to the WORLD!

The dress rehearsal for our Christmas pageant went very well, join us to share in the love Sunday morning 10AM, stay for a special lunch afterwards, and come back for our beautiful candlelight Christmas Eve service at 7PM! Joy to the world!

Three great opportunities to experience the coming of the Christ-child into the world and into our lives today. Pageant at 10AM on Sunday, Dec 24th, Candlelight Carol service at 7PM, and a very informal prayer and singalong Monday, Christmas morning, at 9AM, weather permitting. Join us, and have a very special Christmas celebration!

Thanks to Hollis Hartford and our trustees for the installation of new driveway floodlamps that illuminate the area around our handicap access ramp..They will turn off automatically if we forget to. What a blessing!

As we get ready to celebrate the coming of the Christ child, we celebrated Christian joy in worship, and brought it to many through Sunday's caroling and our feeding of more than thirty men at Meriden's shelter.. Photos, worship podcast, and sermon text on the link. See you this Sunday at 10AM for our Christmas pageant and at 7PM for our candlelight Christmas Eve service!

Need joy? Come celebrate it! This Sunday we rejoice in the gift of Christian joy, and prepare to go caroling at noon at the homes of our church friends who need a visit. Come receive the Joy that God wants everyone to share! Photos of our beautiful sancturary's Christmas spirit on the link.

This Sunday, we recommitted ourselves to our baptism vows, as Pastor John Blossom's sermon "The Straight Story" invited us to return to the waters of the Jordan, where Mark's gospel starts the good news of Jesus' coming. Our podcast of our announcements and prayers, and Pastor John's sermon text on the link.


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