Checkmat Headquarters by Leo Vieira Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
The academy serves as home to Leo Vieira (Founder of Checkmat) and many other Checkmat athletes.
Leo and other high-level Checkmat instructors teach adult and children classes. With a comprehensive schedule, the academy is attractive to all types of students, ranging from competitive jiu-jitsu athletes to adults and children who want to learn jiu-jitsu for self-defense, build self-confidence, and live a healthy life style.
Leo's passion for jiu-jitsu is apparent as you watch him interact with his students. His mastery of jiu-jitsu, always-pleasant attitude, and positive outlook create a training environment that is fun, structured, and safe for students of all ages and training levels.
Leonardo (Leo) Vieira holds a fifth degree Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt, which places him in the top 1% amongst all jiu-jitsu practitioners competing professionally in or coaching jiu-jitsu.
Some of his major international achievements include:
* 2x ADCC (Abu Dhabi) Champion
* 2x World Champion
* 2x Pan American Champion
* 2x ADCC Silver Medallist
* World Silver Medallist
As a leader in the sport of jiu-jitsu and founder of Checkmat, he has instructed and coached some of the world's most recognized and accomplished jiu-jitsu athletes including Marcos Vinicius Oliveira de Almeida (Buchecha), Lucas Leite, Joao Assis and many others.
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS,#reposter,#notetag @jonathan_alvarez10 via @RepostApp ======> @jonathan_alvarez10:See you soon.
We are with you @jitzkid_mase Together as One :) #GPRepost,#reposter,#notetag @jitzkid_mase via @RepostApp ======> @jitzkid_mase:Super pumped about this opportunity to show off his Jiu Jitsu skills and represent his team and family at this exciting event. Please come out and support, more details to come. #checkmat #bjj #moya #sys #chokealoha #kidsjiujitsu Repost from @subconshawn using @RepostRegramApp - #Repost ・・・ MANNO X SAVIDAN LIVE AUGUST 19TH - SAN DIEGO CA // On August 19, we set the template for all to enjoy and Experience The Future of Jiu Jitsu // Tickets are AVAILABLE AT DOOR FOR $10 General Admission // 20+ KIDS pro Series Super Fights // For More Information, check out // . #subcontv #bjj #jiujitsu #gi #nogi #jiujitsulifestyle #Professionaljiujitsu #sandiego #kidsbjj #thefuture #checkmat #aoj // @mannobros_aoj @jitzkid_mase @voxxlife @fivegrappling @cauliflowernation @shoyoroll @studio540
#GPRepost,#reposter,#notetag @checkmatvalencia via @RepostApp ======> @checkmatvalencia:Checkmat Valencia will be hosting a Mega Seminar with 4 legendary women in Brazilian Jiu- Jitsu on August 19th. Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn and share the mats with them. Open to all schools. For men and women of all skill levels. Space is very limited. Please contact Art at 310-793-6667 with questions. @lekavieirabjj @leticia_e_sebastianlalli_bjj @shantibjj @checkmathq @idabjj #checkmatvalencia #checkmatvalenciabjj #lekavieira #checkmatbjj #checkmathq #brazilianjiujitsu #bjj #jiujitsu #bjjseminar #bjjforeveryone #womensbjj #bjjwomen #bjjblackbelt #bjjlifestyle #santaclarita #santaclaritavalley #scv #scvbjj #valenciaca #valenciacalifornia #awesometown
#GPRepost,#reposter,#notetag @dc_mma via @RepostApp ======> @dc_mma:@leandrovbteam thanks for being the best Jiu-Jitsu coach in the world. #checkmat #weareaka @checkmatbjj #brownbelt #vieirabrothers 📷@layziethesavage
We are very Blessed 🙏🏼😍❤️💙.... CHECKMAT TOGETHER AS ONE!!!!!!!!!GPRepost,#reposter,#notetag @swaggerbjj via @RepostApp ======> @swaggerbjj:Even if my dad didn't win Berkut.He still fought great I was very nervous because he hurt his knee,and i thought hey there's still other competitions to go and win 🥇🎖🏅🏆🥋
#GPRepost,#reposter,#notetag @alyssamiiia via @RepostApp ======> @alyssamiiia:win or lose @leovieirabjj you are the best!! You inspire us all and are a true champion. CHECKMAT family together we are stronger. 🏁🖤🥋🥇💯🔝 @checkmathq @dojosealbeach #leovieira #checkmat #jiujitsu #champion
#GPRepost,#reposter,#notetag @tarcisiojardim via @RepostApp ======> @tarcisiojardim:Nada jamais apagará sua história no jiu jitsu. Você é uma lenda viva mestre @leovieirabjj, uma inspiração para nós que somos seus aprendizes e todos que amam a arte suave. Você nos deu mais um exemplo hoje com todo peso que perdeu e se jogando em uma competição de alto nível com atletas 15 anos mais novos. . Parabéns mestrão, nosso esporte deve muito a vc, a CheckMat lhe ama e lhe respeita. . #leovieirabjj #leozinho #lenda #idolo #mestre #checkmat
#GPRepost,#reposter,#notetag @ibrahiminal via @RepostApp ======> @ibrahiminal:İt is hard explain some souls with words when you really know them who they are . We call him in so many words #yoda #master #bestfriend #father #brother #theman #champ #legend . So shortly I just want to give a big shout out for this guy, he not just inspires us , but he inspires the whole Jiu Jitsu community, change people s life in every aspects. THE LEGEND AND THE KING OF JIUJITSU IS BACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK after a long time . We are proud to be your student and we love you @leovieirabjj . and he is gonna fight in a few hours GOD BLESS YOU 🙏❤️ @acb_jj @shoyoroll @zebramats @mealsdotkom #oieeeeeee #checkmatsp #checkmat #checkmathq #checkmatteam #checkmatfamily #thekingisback #leovieira #leovieiratheking #legend #thankyou #inspiration #AntrumCrossFit #BeMoreHuman #crossfitistanbul #checkmatistanbul #keepitreal #keepitplayful #checkmatbjj #togetherwearestronger #bjjistanbul @antrumcrossfit @reeboktr @supplementler @muscleupsport @kasguru @shoyoroll @fitbitip @checkmathq
#GPRepost,#reposter,#notetag @ibrahiminal via @RepostApp ======> @ibrahiminal:İt is hard explain some souls with words when you really know them who they are . We call him in so many words #yoda #master #bestfriend #father #brother #theman #champ #legend . So shortly I just want to give a big shout out for this guy, he not just inspires us , but he inspires the whole Jiu Jitsu community, change people s life in every aspects. THE LEGEND AND THE KING OF JIUJITSU IS BACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK after a long time . We are proud to be your student and we love you @leovieirabjj . and he is gonna fight in a few hours GOD BLESS YOU 🙏❤️ @acb_jj @shoyoroll @zebramats @mealsdotkom #oieeeeeee #checkmatsp #checkmat #checkmathq #checkmatteam #checkmatfamily #thekingisback #leovieira #leovieiratheking #legend #thankyou #inspiration #AntrumCrossFit #BeMoreHuman #crossfitistanbul #checkmatistanbul #keepitreal #keepitplayful #checkmatbjj #togetherwearestronger #bjjistanbul @antrumcrossfit @reeboktr @supplementler @muscleupsport @kasguru @shoyoroll @fitbitip @checkmathq
#GPRepost,#reposter,#notetag @robynhojj via @RepostApp ======> @robynhojj:Just want to give a big shout out for this guy, he not just inspires me, but he inspires the whole Jiu Jitsu community, thank you for being such a inspiration, THE KING IS BACK, and he gonna fight in a few hours and let's make a super big deal with this and everyone watch tomorrow at 7:30am and also @maykoaraujobjj gonna be competing at the 60 kilos division, let's go guys... @acb_jj website, God bless y'all, thank you @leovieirabjj , osss #Repost @leovieirabjj (@get_repost) ・・・ Signing the contract for @acb_jj just make me realized that you never are to old to follow your heart! Special thanks for all my family, friend, students and sponsors @shoyoroll @zebramats @mealsdotkom /// Nunca seremos velhos o bastante para deixarmos de seguir nosso coração! #oieeeeeee #checkmatsp #checkmat #checkmathq #checkmatteam #checkmatfamily #thekingisback #leovieira #leovieiratheking #legend #thankyou #inspiration
#GPRepost,#reposter,#notetag @maykoaraujobjj via @RepostApp ======> @maykoaraujobjj:Tomorrow I'll be fighting the @acb_jj GP until 60 kg I count on the positive energy of all. Ai galera amanha estarei lutando o @acb_jj GP até 60 kg conto com a energia positiva de todos. #maykoandkarenbjj #platinumjiujitsu #bjjtees #checkmat #acbjj #gp60kg