Dancy's Store and Studio
We are a dance studio that is over 40 years and two generations old. We teach tap jazz ballet and pointe to girls ages 3 to SR in high School. We are a small Southern studio that teaches the children to love God, themselves and dance.
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Enroll for Summer Dance😊👯 Classes are "flexible and subject to change due to popular demand" Give us a call and get your child "moving" and getting some fun exercise this Summer 👏🏻 931-684-6223 Ms Lisa
"Dance Is A Feeling" Recital was a Spectacular Success !! You brought all kinds of wonderful feelings to your crowd and showed them the many expressions of Dance in such a beautiful way. We are overjoyed and very proud of all .We thank all of your parents, families, and friends who helped support your love of Dance ! We hope to see you again for our 2017-2018 Dance Year. God Bless, Ms Lisa
To all our Dancer's , We FEEL proud, overwhelmed ,and excited for you!! You did an amazing show of hard work and talent at Tues rehearsal. Our BEST to you for an excellent Dress Rehearsal filled with fun , excitement , and SMILES😃👯👏🏻
RECITAL WEEK BEGINS FOR 5th Graders - 12th Grade ONLY ON May 29th @ 9:00 AM at CENTRAL HIGH AUDITORIUM ( please do NOT go to school office) This is a CLOSED PRACTICE -Teachers , Dancers and staff ONLY 👯👯👯👯👯👯👯👯👯👯👯👯👯👯👯👯Tuesday, May 30th Recital Practice Schedule for Students is: Mon-Sat Babies- 10:00 Kinder-1st-10:45 2/3-4th-11:45 5/6-12th-1:00 WEDNESDAY DRESS REHEARSAL 3yrs-4th -- 11:30 5th-12th --3:30 Photographer will be there at 10:30 Hair and Make-up done / Dress in Costumes at School Photos, Video set- ups permitted on this night Only.
DANCE IS FEELING 2017 RECITAL 😘😊😩😜😂😱😇😉😢🤡😤😴🤧😳😍👯👏🏻June 2nd & 3rd , Central High School Auditorium Performance Begins at 7:30 PM Doors Open @ 7:00- $1.00 Admission Please come and support these beautiful dancers and show them how you FEEL about their hard work and dedication 👏🏻
SATURDAY FINALE PRACTICE begins this Saturday,April -29th and continues through May 20th at 11:15. The first practice will run approx 45 min and subsequent practices @30. ( Determining on how well students learn the Finale ) The LAST week of Studio Dance Classes is May 15th-20th. Central High Rehearsals begin May 31st. More info to be sent in a flyer w/ your student. FEELING EXCITED👯👯👯
Can you "FEEL" it? Spring is in the air and Recital is almost here! Our Dance Recital is all about feelings this year 😊😢😤🤣🤔😘 We are on the last leg/ foot of practice soooooo Saturday Finale Practice Begins: for KINDERGARTEN-5/6thGrade On Saturdays only: April29th-May20th @11:15 (4 Saturdays) BALLET SHOES ONLY-or CLEAN TENNIS SHOES!!!! Dance attire not necessary (First practice will be 45 minutes) This will be your child's only opportunity to learn her Finale. PLEASE ATTEND at least 3
Dance Classes are CANCELLED for Wednesday ,April 5 👯😢👯😢👯😢 On Wed., April 12th we would like the 3:30 and 4:15 Classes to take TOGETHER 3:30 - stay until 5:00 4:15 - come to class @ 3:30 This will enable the girls to take a make -up Class and begin Finale PLEASE make an effort to attend! Recital is coming👯👯👯👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Hope all our Dancy's Dancers are having an upbeat and memorable Spring Break ☀️ Our Dance Recital's preparations are underway and costumes are arriving . Show dates are June 2nd &3rd @ 7:30 in Central High School's Auditorium . Tell your family and friends! The Students work hard and would love you attendance 👯
We are having Dance Classes today !!! ( Breaking our POLICY of following the Bedford County School closure schedule) We have missed several Monday class days and did not want to add another. Monday and Saturday Babies-3:30 1st Grade and Kindergarten 4:15 Sr,Fr,5/6th -5:00 Thank you! Hope to see you👯🎶
Bedford County Schools have been closed for Monday, January 9th so per our policy Dance Classes are cancelled😩 We are unhappy about this but we cannot control the weather and we want our children to be safe. On January 16 we SHALL have classes👯👯. School is out but due to this weather cancellation we want to use this day for class. You will receive more info later.COME TO MAKE-UP CLASSES PLEASE👍
Dance Class has been CANCELLED for Saturday, January 7th,@10AM (The next three Saturday classes will be 1 hour rather than the regular 45 min time ) This will help those who cannot come to Monday class make- up time😊👯 We are looking forward to another GREAT D A N C E YEAR🎶👏🏻🎶👏🏻🎶