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Liesje Smith, Certified Rolfer

29 Harbor Rd, Shelburne, United States
Medical & Health



Burlington Body Therapy is an appointment only holistic healing facility that specializes in Structural Integration, SourcePoint Therapy and massage. Structural Integration is a body mind therapy that rebalances and frees your body through hands-on and movement rehabilitation. It releases strains and tensions that may have held in your physical structure over time and enhances your flexibility and freedom of movement.

SourcePoint Therapy ® is a simple energetic approach to healing that aspires to support and facilitate your connection of the energetic field of a universal blueprint of health. It grounds and activates that resonance in your body in a sustaining way that then arises as healing transformation.

With her calming and soothing presence, Annelies provides individual care and expertise to all her patients. She is skilled not only in the therapy she provides but also in helping clients relax and feel comfortable.




My Modern Met

This makes my hands sing......body and earth

Chronic Pain Or Bad Posture Affecting You? Try Rolfing -

Moving For Essence-Dance Rolf Movement

BREATH, GROUND & SPACE We can feel our bodies as resonating instruments for which breath is the music, opening the way for beautiful movement. We can find fluidity and space both within us and around us. These allow a buoyant and responsive exchange with the force of gravity, which liberates our senses and disengages us from limiting movement habits. This month's lab offers you a rich experience of the inner breath and allows hidden expressions to begin to surface in a grounded way, supported by that which is around you and within you. We start by touching in with a few body landmarks to formulate a deeper acquaintance. These are: feet, hands, psoas and eyes. We will take time to move individually, opening to what informs us in the moment. We will be guided toward feeling the design of the body and how it is meant to move. Our explorations will transition as the group becomes one body and we discover moving patterns in the awareness of space together. We finish by dropping into music and back into ourselves, a time for reflection and resolution. These explorations are delightful, fresh, evocative and fun. They tune our bodies and brains toward novelty, coordination and integration. This lab is for anyone who wants to move more and move better. It's not about learning steps of any modality whatsoever. Here, we awaken alignment into communication, bringing the fluid language of the body into clear expression to enhance all experiences—in movement and stillness. No experience necessary, just bring your curiosity. Come through the front entrance. The cost is $20. First class is free. Bring a blanket to lie on. The next lab takes place November 13th. I am also available for individual Rolfing and Rolf movement sessions. Please contact me to make an appointment today!

Moving For Essence-Dance Rolf Movement


Timeline Photos

After a weekend of dipping into the BTV internationalContact Jam on Friday, presenting in the Northern Vermont Dance Conference on Saturday and then performing downtown on Sunday night, I just agreed to DJ at Dance Tribe Monday night at the Shelburne Town Hall, 7-9. Come! On Monday nights, the music tends to be more experiential and the crowd is fewer, so you can stretch out! Only $2. (this painting is by Bob Schrei)

Timeline Photos

Three of my inspirations for teaching: My Past is re-arising!: Naropa years and in particular, the Contemplative Movement Practice of Barbara Dilley -learning freedom in the movement experience with self, other, space and the moment. On Going: Rolf Movement; Our species is invited to evolve! All movement is meaning making and brings us deeper into life, into relationship, including most profoundly, ground and space. We find we are always in some degree of connection. And Continuum, freeing the fluid body, a profound reawakening through breath. On Going: Dance Tribe and all the great workshops coming through Vermont: Being a willing participant, showing up to offer and receive music, respond to it's intention as it illuminates our depths. Lead by the body, we observe how to let that happen. Delight of flow with no particular agenda, just the love of being there with the Tribe, the herd, the ancient communion of Dance. ...and coming into the mystery!

Functional Movement Lab: Moving for Essence, Dance Rolf Movement

These are movement labs. These are not like other movement-based classes. Here we awaken alignment through acknowledging your perceptual experience of being in line with gravity, and we help your body functionally coordinate around that. The skills you gain enhance all other experiences in your life—moving and static. This is Fluidity in Function. These labs are for anyone who wants to move more, move better and is curious about what can be discovered between the interplay of internal and external. No experience necessary. These classes will build on each other, but it's fine to come to any one or all. Cost $20 First Class Free! September 11th: Perception, Posture and Movement: We can change our posture more efficiently by “letting go”.. See more at

Functional Movement Lab: Moving for Essence, Dance Rolf Movement

Photographer Mom Documents Her Kids’ Childhood Without Electronic Devices

There is a lot to say for living without devices, these pictures tell that story.

Rolling - Feldenkrais with Baby Liv

This is something to work on at any age, can create the same level of enthusiasm.....

Moving For Essence

Lay down. Notice sensation. What is your body saying to you?.....It doesn't use words, so how do you perceive the messages?....... In this class, I will share simple ways to tune into sensory impressions of the gravitational field in order to find more coherent, balanced flow in our movement. Though we usually take the force of gravity for granted, it's the field that directly navigates us toward what is actually going on in the moment. It shapes all interactions from all directions, all the time. As we begin to truly appreciate the finesse of it's nature we can come to find a truer sensation of movement in and from the body as buoyant! This is a dynamic dialogue of our senses that can call us toward a more intimate vibrancy with our world. Come enjoy the delight of moving in an integrated way with a pulse of vital freshness!

Moving For Essence
