Rise Above Wellness
Classes. Personal Training. Lifestyle. Health and wellness advocate.
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#THURSDAY #Fun #Syracuse #RAW #RiseAboveWellness #family #exercise #health #wellness #fitness #heart #effort #lifestyle #choice #priority #intensity #focus #move #activity #energy #discipline #consistency #dedication #purpose #workHarder #train #firsfWave #playground #MyWorld #HappyHour @ Rise Above Wellness
The RAW World Dances on your Thursday Night with ONE MORE CORE AND CONDITIONING CLASS @ 6PM! Rise with RAW! 😅
Photos from Rise Above Wellness's post
#THURSDAY #morningmotivation #Syracuse #RAW #RiseAboveWellness #family #exercise #health #wellness #fitness #heart #effort #lifestyle #choice #priority #intensity #focus #move #activity #energy #discipline #consistency #dedication #purpose #workHarder #train #firsfWave #playground #MyWorld @ Rise Above Wellness
When individuals sabotage themselves thinking they are ready for change, yet make every move in the book to counterintuitively go against what they originally said they were going to follow through on. Current moment tells you it’s a good idea, what comes to light when you are all alone and unhappy within? Continue down your destructive path and it will only Be harder and harder to offset these habitual tendencies moving forward into your future. A rebel act feels warranted while in the moment, what comes with the after math is a completely different animal. Shape up or ship out, your choice. You may not want to read this, or like seeing this, yet someone’s gotta make you think. It might as well Be me. I speak on these personal tendencies because i have experienced the majority. I keep it real with myself and will always keep it real with you. Regardless of how you take it. I mean well, now you have to ask yourself if you are following through on said ambitions, or justifying why it is you say one thing and then in turn do another. 🤟🏽🙋🏽♂️🤷🏽♂️🤔🤥🧐
Throw your THURSDAY AROUND! The RAW World offers you TWO opportunities to Rise Above the rest! Morning Class dictates the remainder of your day @ 930AM! The Evening Class puts you to sleep @ 6PM! (After the 60 minutes of Domination that is of course! 😅😊🤷🏽♂️😉) choose your battle and get to work!
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There’s always another level to climb. Stay your course and #Rise sustainably at your own pace. #DigDEEPER #HappyThursday #RiseAbove
Photos from Rise Above Wellness's post
#Wednesday #Fun #Syracuse #RAW #RiseAboveWellness #family #exercise #health #wellness #fitness #heart #effort #lifestyle #choice #priority #intensity #focus #move #activity #energy #discipline #consistency #dedication #purpose #workHarder #train #firsfWave #playground #MyWorld ##HappyHour @ Rise Above Wellness
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#FALL #FAIL #RISE over and over and over again! #HappyWednesday #RiseAbove
The RAW Wake Up Wednesday Night offers you TWO back to back Classes @ 5 and 6PM! Choose better! Choose YOU and RISE! 😅
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Every so often you have to be a #BasicBitch , steal your #fiances #Coffee Mug and #SquadUp with the #Princess crew. It just is what it is kids! Mid day #Snack and #break then back to the #RAW #World for some back to back #Classes and clients! My everyday go to #blackOnBlackCoffee and @eatmeguiltfree #blondieBrownie well three of them a day to be exact... 😊😊😊🤘🏽🤘🏽🤘🏽☕️☕️☕️
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#Syracuse #RiseAboveWellness #RAW #Family #fun #health #wellness #workout #exercise #fitness #Class #GroupInstructor #dropIn #move #sweat #workHarder #earn #live #love #purpose #passion #performance #lifestyle #mindset #showUp #ShowOut
The RAW Holiday Labor Day CLASS IS UPON US PEOPLE! Monday, September 2nd 10AM sharp! 5$ ONE TIME DROP IN FOR ALL NON EXISTING PACKAGE HOLDERS! Current RAWLINGS come as you normally do! We will Be LIVE! LOUD! And REAL! As always I look forward to welcoming you into my World where WE separate ourselves from MEDIOCRITY! Family forged in FUN! ❤️🙏🏽😅💪🏽🔥