Fitness Evolution Selma
Welcome to Fitness made easy!
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facebook.comOffer Extended! Can't make it to the club today? No problem! Join online here:
Thanks to Teresa Sardina for visiting the club this week to talk about summer fitness goals! Join us today for our $1 Enrollment Sale! Choose a Premium Membership or jump into EvoFIIT-U for 60% OFF your first month!
Tag your new workout buddy and get discounted dues when they join today! #referralbucks
Member Spotlight -- Tanya achieved results! You can too!! Here's a bit from Tanya's story... "For years, I have been working to lose weight, gain muscle and be all around healthier with little visible or lasting results. At the end of 2016 I decided to cancel my gym membership due to lack of use when I got a call from a new Fitness Evolution trainer regarding my remaining sessions. Motivated by his enthusiasm and personal experience with weight loss, I was inspired to stay with Fitness Evolution. In January the opportunity to join the BTC (Body Transformation Challenge) came along and I jumped at. It is so helpful to be a part of a formal challenge with a timeline and potential reward. Having a trainer to help develop the right plan, support, motivate and hold me accountable gave me the structure to put the tools for weight loss into action. Unfortunately, I have been faced with several medical challenges including exercise induced asthma, a horrific ankle injury, pain in my knees, and several bugs that have been going around. My trainer was able to adjust our training to include isometrics and different exercises so that I could continue making progress and to keep me from being discouraged. I have been training at the gym regularly and have gotten pretty excited by working out and seeing results. I am learning to eat more often to help boost my metabolism and always trying to fuel my body with the right foods. Thank you Fitness Evolution for helping me lose OVER 15 lbs and 6 inches off my waist!" Thanks for sharing your story with us Tanya, we're happy to be part of your fitness journey! Keep up the great work! #memberspotlight #realpeoplerealchange
Enrollment Sale this Thursday!
Welcome to our new members! Let us know how we can help you reach your goals!
**Reminder** The club will be closing at 2pm tomorrow in observance of the 4th of July!
Happy July! What are your fitness goals for the month?
Want a better relationship with your scale? We can help! By popular demand we've extended our sale! Join for 90% off your enrollment with this link:
Specials, giveaways and discounted dues at our Member Appreciation party tonight!
Congrats to the top of our leaderboard in the Summer Meltdown Challenge! There's still time to enter and earn extra points for tracking your workouts on our mobile app! Download and earn today! #apprewards
Be sure your friends and family know to give us your name and member number when they join during our our great $4 enrollment special tomorrow! They join = you get discounted dues! #referralbucks