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First Baptist Church of Sedalia

200 E 6th St, Sedalia, United States
Religious Organization



FBC Sedalia A place where everyone is welcome!


Please note the change in hours open for the Mobile Bible Truck that's currently at FBC: Today it's open now until 10 p.m.; tomorrow, 9 a.m. - 10 p.m.; Sunday, 9 a.m. - noon. Come to the east door of the church (under the canopy) and sign in there in the main hall. It's an interesting and inspiring display--don't miss it!

The Fervent Tour

The Priscilla Shirer & Tony Evans' FERVENT TOUR is coming to FBC Raytown on Thursday, May 25th at 7 p.m. Our Women's Ministry is organizing a trip to this event, but it is open to all adults. People need to sign up and pay for their Gen. Admission $25 tickets in the church office by this coming Monday, May 8 (by 5pm) if they want us to get their tickets. Tickets will be discounted by $5 if we purchase 20 and by $10 if we purchase 40 or more. Questions? Call Darla Lansing, 553-0313 or email her at For more information, check out the tour website at

First Baptist Church of Sedalia's cover photo

First Baptist Church of Sedalia's cover photo

We now return you to our regularly scheduled programming... Sunday services this week will be at 8:15 and 10:45 a.m., with Sunday School at 9:30 for all ages. Please plan to join us!

No revival services tonight! Tomorrow's (Saturday) events (if you've already signed up) are: from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. "Home Life Cafe" for adults; "Life's Pizza House" for teens, and "Happy Heart City" and "Base Camp" for kids! Don't forget--there will be a combined worship time at 10:45 a.m. Sunday (Sunday School at 9:30), and evening revival services at 6 p.m.

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Our revival starts this coming Sunday! Please note: there will be combined Adult Sunday school at 9:30 (other age groups will also meet), and then combined worship at 10:45 a.m. (No 8:15 service this week!) Join us for a very special time of worship together.

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And late to church Sunday, we don't want to be... So setting our clocks ahead Saturday we will do.

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Doesn't Mexican food sound wonderful for supper?? Come out to El Tapatio tonight from 5 to 9 p.m. for the Youth Fundraiser! Youth will be serving tables, and any money put into the special "tip jar" will go towards their summer mission trip.

First Baptist Church of Sedalia's cover photo

First Baptist Church of Sedalia's cover photo

Could you help donate funds to send kids (2nd-6th grade) to CentriKids Camp this summer? We have several who could use some financial scholarship help! Please contact Cara Harrington in the church office soon if you would be able to help out. Thank you!

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It's a buddy pack kind of day! Come to the annex and join the fun at 1:30pm today to help finish packing buddy packs for the month.

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Update on the cans of soup collected for Open Door Food Pantry this week... It's now up to 463! :) Thank you to all who donated so generously!


NEAR First Baptist Church of Sedalia