Living Healthy Studio
Living Healthy Studio is a place to embrace you, me, each other, our health and our dreams! It's a studio, not a gym. Connection is a beautiful thing. Offering Beachbody workouts to expose you to the programs that change bodies, minds and souls.
Awaken the Girl Inside Workshops; Book Club and Dream Board Gatherings; Dream Dancing Parties and more.
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facebook.comThe silent killer....
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Got home from the Studio last night and there was a pan on the stove. I made you something warm, Sweetums said. I don't call him Sweetums for nothing… Today, I'm eating it cold. wOOt!
Photos from Living Healthy Studio's post
Working out should be fun!
Living Healthy Studio
So I said this out loud--- you can kick my butt if I slack....
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Dance workout anyone? Cizing it up at 6 tonight! Come on! I exer-CIZE every Monday and Friday night at 6 pm at the Living Healthy Studio.
Setting This Week's Goal!
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Hello, Hello, Hello, HELLOOOO from the Living Healthy Studio! #singing 5:30 am workout done! wOOt wOOt!
Photos from Living Healthy Studio's post
We do 7:30 and 8:30 am workouts on Saturday mornings at the Studio. You can come in person or virtually; how cool is that? Our 7:30 am this week was 30 minutes of cardio and 10 minutes of abs. I love to hear the responses when we're done to "How was it, Guys?!" My favorite this time was Carlene's..."WORTH IT!" wOoT wOoT! Taking it to Golden Sands Beach this morning, Mother's Day, for an 8 am 30 minute worth it workout! You're invited! #giveittome #imworthit
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Yummy in my tummy! #fueledup #energized
Come to the Studio! It's blooming time!
May Awaken the Girl Inside Workshop
We are discussing Personal Growth this month. Please come and share with your friends, Local Girls, this is an important workshop. #awakenthegirlinside
May Awaken the Girl Inside Workshop
The Awaken the Girl Inside Workshop is about connecting with, relating to, supporting and growing together with women from our community as we discuss different topics each month. In two hours we share our experiences and answers to thought-provoking questions, take dance and snack breaks and set goals to awaken our Girls Inside. Please join us and invite more Girls! Cost: $20 Snack and Coffee Provided Please Bring: A journal and vulnerability. Leave Home: Ego