Tinderbox is a professional recording studio specializing in music production of all genre and styles. We offer world class experience and equipment. We’ve produced (tracked and/or mixed) music in many genres from all over the world: Rock, Blues, Indian, Fusion, Celtic, Reggae, Classical, Polka, East European, House, Traditional Italian, Native American, Latin, Jazz, R&B, Filipino, Brazilian, Hip-Hop, Country, Medieval, Rap, Mexican, Folk, Renaissance, Broadway, Americana, SoundScape, I'm sure I'm missing something...… We offer extremely competitive rates and can work with most any budget to get your project completed with a quick turnaround.
Format: Pro Tools
Console: Mackie 3208
Monitors: Yamaha NS10, Mackie HR824, Polk Audio
Amps: Phase Linear
Microphones: AKG, Audio-Technica, Eletro-Voice, Neumann, SoundDeluxe, Sennheiser, Shure, Studio Projects
Outboard: API, SSL, Avalon, Joe Meek, Presonus, Eventide, Lexicon, Yamaha, Ibanez, Symetrix.
If there’s something special you want or need we’ll do our best to make it available.
Instruments available:
Gretsch drums, Zildjian and Sabian cymbals
Emu Extreme Lead
General Music Real Piano Expander
Roland JV880
Roland R8
Waldorf MicroQ
Waldorf Pulse Plus
Yamaha TX7
Yamaha KX88
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