First United Methodist Church Seagoville
We are a loving church family and would welcome you with open arms! Come join us to hear The Word, sing praises and feel the presence of The Lord! Our Sunday School Classes start at 9:30 on Sunday...we have Youth, Couples, and Singles classes.
Our worship Services start at 10:50 on Sunday. We have a beautiful pianist that plays traditional as well as contemporary music. Pastor Jennifer also plays guitar and sings original songs. We invite you to come worship with us!
Our stained glass windows in the sanctuary are the original stained glass windows that were in the original church. Thanks to our members, they were preserved for us to enjoy! They are truly beautiful when the morning light shines through!
We also have a large community center that is available for use. Please reach out to the church office directly for more details.
We have Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts that meet weekly in our large Youth building. We would love for your young person to be a part of our program!
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A message from our Pastor.... Blessings, Today is the day! Today we join together with others across our nation to be in prayer for our communities, our nation, and our world. I will be praying with you as we seek the forgiveness, guidance, and blessing of our gracious God. There is no one and nothing more powerful, creative, or faithful. Grace and Peace, Pastor Jennifer
Blessings to you all, Thursday is the National Day of Prayer. I encourage everyone to participate, no matter where you are. We can certainly pray in all times and places, but I invite you to join together in united prayer on Thursday at noon. Set an alarm or reminder, and let us humble ourselves and pray. The following suggested prayer focuses and scriptures are provided on the National Day of Prayer website by Dr. Dave Butts, founder of Harvest Prayer Ministries. 1. Protection “Therefore let everyone who is godly pray to you while you may be found; surely when the mighty waters rise, they will not reach him. You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance” (Ps. 32:6-7). Pray for the Lord’s protection throughout the new administration’s term of office. Physical and spiritual protection is needed for President Trump and Vice President Pence and their families as well as for all of the administration. Lord, be our Defender! 2. Presence “I will put my dwelling place among you, and I will not abhor you. I will walk among you and be your God, and you will be my people” (Lev. 26:11-12). Nothing is more important than the Presence of the Lord Himself in the halls of government. Far too many in our nation would isolate our faith to a private personal one or to a house of worship. The Presence of God changes lives and meets the deepest needs—not just those of individuals, but also the needs of our nation and its culture. Welcoming the Presence of the Lord into government can open the door for a longing for His Presence in all of society. Make Your Presence known Lord! 3. Peace “I will grant peace in the land, and you will lie down and not one will make you afraid. I will remove savage beasts from the land, and the sword will not pass through your country” (Lev. 26:6). In the midst of a badly divided nation from top to bottom, we desperately need God’s peace. Pray for the Lord’s peace to come into the Congress of the United States and into the Supreme Court of the land. May this new administration, that during the campaign often stirred up controversies, become known as an administration that unites and brings peace. Pray also that God’s peace would touch the church in this nation that found itself badly divided over this election. We long for Your peace to come to our nation, Lord! 4. Provision “He provides food for those who fear him; he remembers his covenant forever. He has shown his people the power of his works, giving them the lands of other nations” (Ps.111:5-6). We need to humbly come before the Lord and confess our need for His great provision to be poured out upon our nation. We need wisdom from above. We need the provision that meets healthcare needs in just ways. We need the provision of a robust economy that allows us to provide good jobs to those who are able to work. We especially need to be a nation that realizes that what we have comes from the Lord’s hand. Thank You for being our Provider, O Lord! Let us pray. Grace and Peace, Pastor Jennifer
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Matthew 28:6King James Version (KJV) 6 He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.
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Good Friday: All through the night Jesus has been locked in the dungeon of the high priest’s house. Early this morning he was bought before Pilate who transferred his case to Herod. Herod sent him back to Pilate who, sometime in the mid-morning, bowed to the pressure of the Temple leadership and the crowds, and condemned Jesus to a horrible death by crucifixion. In the late morning Jesus was taken by the soldiers through the city and up the hillside of Golgotha. By noon he is nailed to the cross where he hangs in agony for some three hours. He dies around three in the afternoon. He is taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb hastily before sundown. Today is a day of prayer, fasting and abstinence. Whenever possible, Christians are urged to keep today free of work, of social engagements, of entertainment, and to devote themselves to communal prayer and worship. At noon many parishes gather for stations of the cross for recollections of the seven last words of Jesus. Many parishes also offer stations of the cross at 3 p.m., the hour of Jesus' death. In the evening, we gather quietly in our parish churches to enter into time of prayer as we reflect on Jesus' death on the cross. We also pray for the needs of the world. To acknowledge the power of the cross in our lives today, we one by one come forward to venerate the cross with a kiss. Our hunger from this day of fasting is satisfied with Holy Communion distributed at the end of this liturgy. Consider, too, how the apostles might have gathered that night together in fear and prayer reflecting on all that happened
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Holy Thursday: This marks the beginning of the sacred Triduum, or "three days." Earlier this day Jesus had given instructions to the disciples on how to prepare for this most holy meal, which will be his last supper. Through the day they make these preparations (cf Mt 26:17). In the Mass of the Lord’s Supper conducted at our parishes, we remember and make present that Last Supper which Jesus shared with his disciples. We are in the upper room with Jesus and the Apostles and do what they did. Through the ritual of washing the feet (Jn 13:1) of 12 parishioners, we unite in service to one another
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Wednesday of Holy Week: Traditionally this day was called "Spy Wednesday" because it was on this Wednesday before the crucifixion that Judas conspired to hand Jesus over. For this he was paid 30 pieces of silver (cf Mt. 26:14). Jesus likely spent the day in Bethany. In the evening, Mary of Bethany anoints Jesus with costly perfumed oil. Judas objects but Jesus rebukes him and says Mary has anointed him for his burial! (cf Mt 26:6). The wicked are besetting Jesus and plotting against him. Are you praying?
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Tuesday of Holy Week: According to Matthew, Mark, and Luke, Jesus again returns to Jerusalem where he is confronted by the Temple leadership for what he did the day before. They question his authority. He also teaches extensively, using parables and other forms. There is the parable of the vineyard (cf Mt 21:33-46) and the parable of the wedding banquet, (cf Mt. 22:1). There is also the teaching on paying taxes (cf Mt 22:15) and the rebuke of the Sadducees who deny the resurrection (cf Mt. 22:23). There is also the fearful prophecy about the destruction of Jerusalem if the inhabitants do not come to faith in him. He warns that not one stone will be left on another (cf Mt 24). Continue to pray with Jesus and listen carefully to his final teachings just before his passion.
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Monday of Holy Week: According to Matthew 21, Mark 11, and Luke 19, Jesus returns to Jerusalem today and, seeing shameful practices in the Temple area, he cleanses the Temple. John’s Gospel also records that he rebuked the unbelief of the crowds. Mark 11:19 records that he returned to Bethany that night. Pray with Jesus as he is zealous to purify us.
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Palm Sunday: Our celebration of Holy Week began Sunday as we remembered and made present the triumphal entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem to begin his final week and initiate his Passion. All four Gospels recount this triumphant entry that Sunday morning so long ago, but made present to us on this day. As you received your palms, I hope you considered that you are part of that vast crowd. How will you journey with Jesus this week? Let the palm remind you to praise him with your prayerful presence during the sacred Triduum. According to Mark 11:11, Jesus returned that evening to Bethany, a suburb of Jerusalem. Perhaps he stayed with his friends Martha, Mary, and Lazarus. Pray with Jesus as he considers the difficult days ahead of him.