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Schenectady-Belmont PopWarner

1121 Forest Road, Schenectady, United States
Nonprofit Organization



Schenectady Belmont PopWarner Football & Cheer
Give the children of the community a chance to become student athletes in a safe environment.


Pay attention

The time has come to send out equipment and guess what? Only 1 helmet returned. Of all the uniforms, helmets, shoulder pads, and everything else taken and not handed back, after several posts we received 1 helmet. Thank you all for that. When this program no longer exists, and you're wondering what happened, remember that you couldn't be bothered because you were too busy. We will not lose sleep and we will not stop in our quest to continue this program that benefits countless young lives in our community. We will thrive despite carelessness and downright disrespect. THIS YEAR WE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTING ANY APPLICATIONS WITHOUT FULL PAYMENT. THIS YEAR WE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTING ANY APPLICATIONS WITHOUT FULL PAYMENT. There is no way we can continue this without doing so. Today is March 22nd. We have 18 weeks before practice starts. If you start today you will need to save $7.77 per week to make sure you have your registration money. That equals $1.11per day. We will not be accepting excuses or hardship stories this year. We can't afford too. This is our last option. We look forward to continued success but without your help it won't be possible. It's time to help yourselves. PLEASE SHARE SO EVERYBODY UNDERSTANDS IF YOU HAVE FRIENDS OR KNOW OF PARENTS THAT ARE NOT ON THIS PAGE PLEASE LET THEM KNOW.

Thank you all for sharing our post about helmets. As of this moment zero people have responded. Let me be clear, I already know who owes us equipment. I'm trying not to post a list out of respect. You know if you have our equipment. We've asked several times now with no response. I will be posting the list within the next few days. Trust when I tell you that if our equipment has not been returned and your name is on the list, you will not be registering this year with out 1) paying for equipment and 2) a deposit on the following years equipment. Everyone talks about how they are Belmont, how they grew up in Belmont, how Belmont is the it! Take some time and gather our stuff and at the very least make a phone call so we can come get it. Don't tell me youve been to busy! Dont tell me you didn't know. Help us help our kids. Please!!! Get it together. SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE

Again...we're looking for our helmets! Please, you know you have them. We need them! It's time to recondition and figure out our inventory. At this moment I'm missing over $2000 in helmets. I will come get them. Let me know. PLEASE SHARE

I NEED OUR HELMETS BACK..... It's time to recondition helmets. We are missing 14 helmets. We are willing to come pick them up! No hassle, no complaints. Please, if you have 1 of them ,please get a Hold of me. I already know who hasn't returned them but I'm waiting before I start going door to door. If you'd like to drop them off you can always drop them at my barbershop. 1635 VanVranken Ave (next to Avon meatland)

Hello All! Hope everyone is doing well. Just a quick shout out to let you know if you start saving $6.00 A week from now to August 1st you'll have enrollment with no stress! It's never to early to start saving! PLEASE SHARE AND SPREAD THE WORD $6.00 P/WK = .86 CENTS P/DAY. YOU CAN DO IT!!

Happy New Year family! May you all Be blessed with love, health, and happiness!

This is true in football and life... spread the love!

Coaches: If you still have trophies that have not been handed out please get a hold of me so I can come pick them up. Parents: Once I get the trophies please feel free to come pick them up at Schenectady Barbershop. 1635 VanVranken Ave, Schenectady Peace & Love

This could be your year!!

I still have these custom shirts. Please come get them.... Duquette, Washington, Joe-si, Gary, Man-man, Ky&Ev All are at my barbershop. 1635 VanVranken Ave.
