Scarborough Kiwanis Club
The Scarborough Kiwanis Club is a local club within the Kiwanis International Organization Our club participates in a variety of projects that involve fundraising and community service to assist children and their families locally and worldwide.
The Scarborough Kiwanis Club hosts lunch every Friday 12-1 p.m. at The Egg and I Restaurant, 183 US Route One, Scarborough, Maine. The club invites anyone who would like to make a difference to come and get to know us better.
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facebook.comAt today's meeting Fire Chief Michael Thurlow and Police Chief Rob Moulton gave us a presentation on the proposed new Public Safety Building in Oakhill going on the ballot . It is always a pleasure when these guys come speak to our club on the goings on in town.
President Troy Hendrickson presented Captain James Butler with the "Hero of The Quarter " award. Capt. Butler along with Capt. Andrew Clark , EMT Matt Norton and EMT Andrew Brietbeil delivered a baby boy on August 30 in the back of the ambulance enroute to MMC. The club presented each with a dunkins gift card and certificate of appreciation.
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, so we are asking for donations of toiletries, cash, or gift cards to benefit Family Crisis Services. There are many children who are impacted by domestic violence. There is always a need for toiletries and other personal items. Please see the Wish List on Family Crisis Services' website for needed items - You can bring donations to any of our Friday lunch meetings (12-1 at The Egg & I, 183 U.S. Route One, Scarborough), drop off at Gorham Savings Bank's Scarborough location, or contact our President, Troy Hendrickson at Gorham Savings at 883-7440 for local pick up. We hope to deliver everything the first week of November. Thank you!
We have a special meeting planned for this Friday, October 13 - Scarborough's police chief and fire chief will tell us about the Public Safety Building, and we'll also honor Heroes of the Quarter. Join us! We meet every Friday from 12-1 at The Egg & I, 183 U.S. Route One, Scarborough.
Join Scarborough Kiwanis and American Red Cross for a blood drive TODAY 11-5 at Scarborough Cabela's! You could save lives!
Tomorrow's speaker is Eddie Scott, blood drive coordinator with American Red Cross. Join us! We meet for lunch at The Egg & I, 183 US Route One, Scarborough every Friday from 12:00 - 1:00.
Voting is now open! Please support Scarborough Kiwanis - you can vote once a day from today to October 31!
Blood Drive at Cabela's, sponsored by Scarborough Kiwanis. Please sign up in advance to save time, or just show up the day of the event. The American Red Cross needs your help!
No lunch meeting tomorrow - we are installing new officers and directors tomorrow evening.
Don't forget to sign up for our blood drive, which is being held at Cabela's on Wednesday, October 11! The need is great!
No speaker scheduled for this coming Friday, September 22, but everyone is still welcome to join us for our regular lunch meeting! We meet every Friday from 12:00 - 1:00 at The Egg & I, 183 U.S. Route One, Scarborough.