Dr. Nafysa Lalani Parpia
Dr. Parpia practices at Amitabha Clinic. For more information on on her practice, visit: http://www.amitabhaclinic.com/ Welcome! I have a general practice in diagnosing and treating acute and chronic conditions. My passion is in providing holistic care to patients who have complex chronic conditions. I specialize in integrative cancer care, Lyme disease and environmental toxicity. Conditions I treat in my general practice include:
• Autoimmunity
• Gastrointestinal disorders
• Neurological disorders
• Anxiety
• Hormonal imbalances
• Ageing gracefully
• Pain
• Fatigue
• Diabetes
• Overweight/Obesity through Ayurvedic weight loss programs
• Prevention
• Colds, flu
I take into account all aspects of my patient’s lives and health as a unique whole, addressing physical symptoms and also the mental, emotional or spiritual aspects of life that may affect or be affected by their condition. Using my clinical expertise I work as a detective to discover and ultimately remove the underlying cause(s), while at the same time helping to alleviate symptoms.
I use a variety of modalities including functional nutrition, oral and intravenous micronutrient therapy, botanical medicine, homeopathy, lifestyle counseling, neural therapy, neural prolotherapy, craniosacral therapy, visceral manipulation, detoxification programs and yoga therapy.
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facebook.comIntegrative Scientist Pizzorno: "Toxicity is the Primary Driver of Disease"
http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/11353632 "Toxicity is the primary driver of disease." I see this consistently in my patients who suffer from complex chronic illness. With intense detoxification programs coupled with appropriate antimicrobial therapies, big differences can be made.
What Men Should Know About Naturopathic Doctors -
A Call for Action on Toxic Chemicals
As a doc who specializes in complex chronic illness, I find toxic chemicals in the blood of many patients. This brings a huge vulnerability for the development of many diseases. This new call for action on toxic chemicals can help make future generations significantly healthier. http://mobile.nytimes.com/blogs/well/2016/07/01/a-call-for-action-on-toxic-chemicals/?referer=http://m.facebook.com
To the Husband Googling 'My Wife Has Lyme Disease'
Paulo Coelho
We do not always have control over life's circumstances...but we can control our reactions, thus completely altering our experience.
Can Microbes in the Gut Influence the Brain?
Healing your GI system is key in helping to balance your mental and emotional state. Four ways that GI microbes are in communication with your brain are: 1. Directly through your vagus nerve - the main nerve driving the connection of nerve networks between your GI system and brain. 2. Through circulating immune cells that are first primed in your GI system and then travel to the brain. 3. Possibly metabolites that are produced by GI microbes which enter the blood and circulate to regions of the brain where they affect behavior. 4. Your GI bacteria produce about 95% of your body's serotonin.
Do You Need Supplements If You Eat A Healthy Diet? A Doctor Explains
Storage and transportation of food, GI dysbiosis (very common), stress, environmental toxicity and depleted soils make it impossible for you to get nutrients you need solely from the foods you eat, even with a healthy diet.
First happiness genes have been located: Genetic overlap between happiness, depression discovered
For the first time in history, researchers have isolated the parts of the human genome that could explain the difference in how we experience happiness. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/04/160425112453.htm
This Doctor Is Wrong About Pharmaceuticals And Natural Remedies
There is a time and place for pharmaceutical medications, absolutely. In this article, their efficacy is discussed. An important read.
Is a popular painkiller hampering our ability to notice errors?
It's been known for more than a century that acetaminophen is an effective painkiller, but according to a new University of Toronto study it could also be impeding error-detection in the brain. http://www.neuroscientistnews.com/clinical-updates/popular-painkiller-hampering-our-ability-notice-errors
Ever Heard Of A Naturopath? Here's Why You May Want To See One
CDC just says no to opioid prescriptions for chronic pain