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Fit N' Fine Fitness

1060 E Main St, Santa Paula, United States
Gym/Physical Fitness Center



Fit N' Fine Fitness is a Personal Training Studio set up to train Group Classes, Group Sessions, and Training One-on-One. This is a Womens-Only Studio (sorry boys)

My name is Courtney Coral Sweat. I have dedicated myself to helping as many women possible feel Confident, Attractive, Sexy, and Overall- Happy and Energetic! I am here to Challenge your body to it's Full potential! My training is an Overall Core-Balance-Strength-Endurance-CHALLENGE! All I ask you to bring is Water, a Yoga/Pilates Mat, and your body. I'll handle the rest. In the one hour training session you will feel and all over body Pump!

At this time, I do not offer Daycare... I want you to come with your mind clear of any other distractions. This hour is for YOU!


#FnFFitSummerChallenge2017 Here are some Incredible results that need to be mentioned! Bianca Moreno !!! Dropped 4.4% Body Fat!!! Letty Zuniga Dropped 8.8lbs of body fat! Betsy Medina found the Correct Nutrition for HER Body and lost 3lbs of fat and gained 3.3lbs of lean mass! Laura Vladimirovs dropped 9.95lbs of body fat, 4.3%body fat! Letty Marquez Dropped 8.85lbs of body fat! Erica Cervantes also found what works for HER and Balanced Lean mass gain and body fat loss! Lisa Cervantes dropped 8.55lbs of body fat!!! Ana Rodriguez dropped 7.6lbs of body fat!! Rosie Carrillo figured out what her body Needed to gain lean mass and still drop 5lbs. of body fat, 2.5% body fat loss!!! Gladys Baca ALSO figured out what her body needs to manage lean mass gain and body fat loss! Diana Ibarra dropped 6.8lbs of fat, 3.3% body fat! Vanessa Martinez , great job dropping body fat and adding a bit of lean mass! Monica Hernandez dropped 5.4lbs of fat, 3.5% body fat! Clara Angulo-Rauda dropped 6.25lbs of fat and gained 1.35lbs of lean mass, dropping 4.1% body fat!!!! ANY Summer Challenge is TOUGH! Vacations, kiddos are on break, BBQs, etc.... GREAT JOB to all of the ladies who participated!!!!!

Santa Paula High School Water Polo Team!!! I am really loving having these girls here! The high school pool is getting some work done, so FNF is sponsoring the team for 8 weeks to help keep them in shape!! 💛💪

WINNER Maria Cancino Dropped 5.3% Body Fat during our #FnFFitSummer2017 Challenge!! She's swimming in her clothes now!!! Spoil Yourself Maria, you deserve it!!!

#FnFFitSummer2017 Here is our TEAM Challenge WINNERS!!! @lnz_uli and @jackienb817 !!! AND @jackienb817 was our Transformation Points WINNER as well!!!

Sunday morning class!
