Town Neck Beach
Town Neck Beach is located in Sandwich, MA. It stretches from the end of Town Neck Road to Wood Avenue. It is best known as the beach that connects to the beautiful Sandwich Boardwalk. Both are must go places if visiting the Cape. <3 Town Neck Beach is located in Sandwich, MA. It is .4 miles long and stretches from the end of Town Neck Road , by the East end of the Cape Cod Canal jetty to Wood Avenue. It is best known as the beach that connects to the beautiful Sandwich Boardwalk. Both are must go places if visiting the Cape. <3
The price of visiting this beach ranges from 0-90 $ , depending if you are going visiting during the season and if you have a beach sticker or not. It is 10$ per day without a beach sticker. Beach stickers can be purchased annually at the Tax Collector's Office in the Town Hall Annex, located on 145 Main Street. For residents a sticker costs 30$, non-residents costs 90$.
Parking is available in two locations. The first is at the end of Wood Avenue, this parking area is easier for beach access , especially if you have lots of stuff to carry. The second parking area is located at the end of Boardwalk Road. This parking lot is smaller and marks the beginning of the boardwalk. You will have to walk the length of the boardwalk to get to the beach.
When making your way to the beach please stay in the designated walk ways and PLEASE stay OFF the dunes.
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