Chelsie Marie Healing
Reiki Treatments, Human Design System Consults, Holistic Lifestyle Coaching, Preschool Yoga & Mindfulness Instructor, Essential Oil Distributor
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facebook.comPowerful New Moon/ Solar Eclipse in Pisces Feb./March 2017
What if you were 5% more interested in your inner world and embraced whatever you discovered? What results might you get if you tapped into your inner courage, your intuition and compassion all at the same time? Powerful Pisces New Moon Solar Eclipse Feb/March 2017
Powerful Full Moon/ Lunar Eclipse in Leo, Feb. 2017
Radical change is available for us these next 4-6 months! How will you integrate these and what areas of your life will you be shifting? This month there are two eclipses happening (the perfect opportunity)! Feb 10th was the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo. Feb 26th will be the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces. Want more information and awareness how the Lunar Eclipse will influence you? Watch the video below:
Chelsie Marie Healing
Powerful Full Moon/ Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, September 2016
Lunar Eclipse in Pisces & Full Moon (Sept 16) - here is a great video about the energies that are available during this time. Sonja asks some great thought provoking questions. This time can be intense, AND full of opportunities to put into practice the things we've been learning. Remember to "respond" and breathe instead of react. Reach out for support or a session!
September 2016 Monthly Forecast - The Power Path
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces tomorrow (Sept 16)! September 16: Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse is Friday, September 16 at 1:05 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT). This is the bookend of the eclipse time and serves as a platform for anchoring a new truth that may have come out of taking care of certain business. What is your new truth? How can you support it? What allies and help can you call upon? This is a powerful day and a powerful time to acknowledge your personal power and to tap into a new confidence that you can have the life you want. If you still feel like you have a load of business to take care of, this full moon is a good time to look ahead by getting help and making a good practical plan. read more about the how the month shows up for you personally, relationships, business, and enviornment -
Timeline Photos
(Aug 8-15) This is a good week for reorganizing and realigning. This includes changing your relationship with your past and doing some personal work in self-discovery new ideas, inspiration, creativity and desires that could lead to new intentions. This time frame also supports restructuring the way you do things as you bring in a new structure of collaboration into your goals and intentions. What seemed impossible can now be contemplated as possible. What seemed doomed, can now be resurrected. What seemed at the end of its life, may now be restarted and expanded on. This could either be a really fun time frame, highly creative, social and inspiring, or it can enflame your irritation with everything that is not working optimally in your life. Make it fun. If irritated, find the humor in your situation. More about the energy available in August:
New Moon in Leo, August 2016 -- What brings you joy?
What brings you Joy? How can you keep your heart open today? Where can you shine your unique light ferociously brighter? What can you do that will enable you to stay open no matter what experiences you encounter? Today there is a beautiful New moon in Leo at 4:45pm EDT. The energy of this moon is all about creating from the heart. It's important for us to express ourselves fully, to learn about love -- and the power of creating from the heart. This New Moon wants us to experience joy -- from a place of responsibility and maturity. It also invites us to tap into our divinity by being authentic and coming from the heart in every moment. What might change if you trusted your intuition 5% more? Leo represents our creativity. There are as many ways to be creative and self-expressed as there are "selves" -- indeed, we are all creators -- we create with every thought, word and action. Creativity requires innocence, curiosity, courage and play. To live it out, we can tap into the unique spark inside of us in a joyful way. It is also important to allow ourselves the freedom to make mistakes: Creativity thrives on love and permission; it is stifled by judgment and fear. Leo is ruled by the Sun, symbol of consciousness: it represents the particular qualities of the light we came to shine forth in this lifetime. This is what we were born to explore, and in particular to express: Where could you shine your unique light more brightly? What brings you joy? Not just in general... but in this very moment? Think about the keywords for this self-expressive fire sign (Leo): “proud, generous, hospitable, caring, warm, authoritative, active, open”. How could you live into those words for the next 28 days? OTHER ASTROLOGY TRANSITS & THE ENERGY AVAILABLE: Mercury in Virgo opposes Neptune and Pisces -- and both of those planets make a square to Saturn in Sagittarius -- this energy invites us yet again to bring maturity and responsibility to our communications and thought structures. What calls out for clarity? What role might trust play? How about compassion's role? Could you move just inch further away from rigid, fearful thinking and assuming, to thoughtful, mature contemplation and communication? Uranus in Aries trines Venus in Leo. This aspect urges us to be true to ourselves and make any changes that help us realize our personal vision. What is the ideal world that only you can see? How might your talents help bring it into being? Venus is also moving through Leo at the time of the New Moon. This encourages us to enjoy life and allow more time for whatever satisfies us -- and simply to take more breaks for pleasure and playfulness. We also get an opportunity to bring a softer, friendlier, more loving approach to our connection to our ”inner child” (and children in general). What have you always wanted to do? Who have you always wanted to be? What would an "inner child" playdate look like? Mars, in zero degrees of Sagittarius, is asking us to take a look at how far we have come since March 5th. In fact, it's time to take action on all the projects we've had on hold or in slow motion since then: How has your perspective shifted in the past 5 months? How does that impact the way you take action now? Saturn in Sagittarius trines the New Moon. Commitment and discipline are the keys to understanding our heart's desire right now. Saturn is also the focal point of a T-square and allowing us to see more clearly what this energy is to us. One thing we might well become more aware of is the very high expectations we put on ourselves and others. The New Moon is also the best time to set some powerful intentions for this month's Moon cycle. Intentions are best done soon after the New Moon becomes exact. The first slot for intention setting is between 4:45pm EDT Tuesday and late night Wednesday (12:13am EDT on Thursday, to be exact). If that doesn't work for you, wait three-and-a-half hours until 3:34am EDT on Thursday -- you then have until 4:45pm EDT on Thursday afternoon (August 4th) to write your intentions down. Have a joyful, playful, loving and creative month! BONUS QUESTION: What might it be like to create, not for the sake of achievement or gain, but out of love, joy and fun? Watch this new moon video for a fuller discussion on this subject.
To have anything that you desire, all you have to do is find the feeling of your desire and practice it until it is steady within you. Then, it must reveal itself to you. ---Abraham
Grow Your Hair Quicker, Longer, Thicker Trimming with Certain Moon Cycles
Grow Your Hair Quicker, Longer, Thicker Trimming with Certain Moon Cycles (NOW until March 23) Trim your hair on a waxing Moon when the Moon is in a water sign. The time of the waxing Moon is when it is building up from the New Moon (March 8 moved to Pisces) to the Full Moon (March 23). The Farmer's Almanac has long been used to spread the wisdom that farmer's have always known about using the Moon cycles to support efforts of every kind. To grow your hair quicker, longer, and thicker. Watch the video from: Annie Botticelli. a SPIRITUAL SPARK
Dear Friends, March 8 is the first of two eclipses this month and an excellent time to revisit your committed choices of last month and to set intentions to fire them up. Spend a bit of time contemplating what may have changed with regards to your choices, commitments and intentions Because this time frame is more potent than usual, it is more important than ever to have as much clarity as possible about your direction and where you want to put your energy. As the higher emotional center begins to influence and inspire us, adjustments and refinements may need to be made to original intentions. Chances are they will need to expand into a bigger picture and bigger dream. If an opportunity comes your way that “feels” right, do not hesitate to take it even though you may think it is too soon or too much. Use your intuition rather than your intellect to move toward or away from what may be showing up during this time. There is big power and big support this month, especially during the eclipse times, for stepping up and firing up something new. Take advantage of it. More info: Tuesday, March 8, 6:54 PM Mountain Time, Sun and New Moon in Pisces. The final sign of the zodiac, Pisces, is a focus on our spiritual selves. So, in the end it’s an acceptance that everything arising in our lives is perfect and we experience unity with All That Is before we move to the rebirth of the new at Spring Equinox at 0º Aries. We seem slow to get the concept. No matter. We have Mercury, Neptune, Ceres, Moon, Sun, Chiron and South Node all in Pisces to show us the way. With an Eclipse as well. And a SuperMoon. ‘There is always help along the way.’ Pisces is where we come into our compassionate heart like all the forms of the feminine goddess, Quan Yin, Isis, Mother Mary, the Guadalupe, Tara… who gladly take in the sufferings and woes of all and hold them in compassionate love dissolving the burdens our human hearts are too small to carry – a form of bodhisattva service they provide. This eclipse period has the potential to be a great leap forward. Read more:
Your horoscope from March 3 to 9, 2016
Do you have a sense that you’ve reached some kind of completion or turning point, that you are coming to the end of a circumstance or cycle? If so, then you are on track with the stars. Friday’s Capricorn moon is driven to get down to business from the day’s start with little time wasted. Friday evening, Mercury/Mars are in the mood for live action. This is a bust-it-loose, get-it-out-in-the-open, spontaneous, impulsive, and flirtatious combination. Aim for constructive ways to channel the energy. Don’t go looking for a fight. Ideal for lovers and dream-time beauty rest, Mercury slips into Pisces in the early hours on Saturday. By Saturday night, Mars treks into Sagittarius. For the next two weeks, Mercury sparks potentials, creativity, and imagination. It can stir up more confusion or loss, too. For the next seven weeks, Mars in Sagittarius puts everything on the move and the increase. Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday, the sun is on a major bring-it-to-life initiative. The U.S.’s Super Tuesday has come and gone, but the real one is this Tuesday. The solar eclipse, a super new moon in Pisces, happens at 5:54 p.m. PST. Whenever Pisces is the feature, we will witness events that affect the masses, that have global repercussions, that involve the famous, the iconic, or the previously hidden, unseen, or forgotten. If it can’t hold up, it won’t. If it’s destined to be, it will happen. There are losses, but more importantly, there’s good potential for gains, more effective solutions, and healing, even for saving graces. Read more:
51 Famous Zen Quotes About Life
Practicing Zen is believed to have a calming effect on the mind and body, which not only helps one to lead a healthy life, but also to deal with various problems efficiently. "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear", the Zen says. So, if you are ready to learn, here are a few inspirational and motivational teachings to help you lead a peaceful life. Read more at Buzzle: