Faith Temple COGIC SF
The Historic Faith Temple Church of God in Christ, Inc. of San Francisco's Bay View Hunter's Point
Our Pastor is the Elder Larry D. Cotton, Sr.
"Come Clean or Stay Away Nasty or be doomed for hell as a duck is to swim a pond"
-Superintendent F.W. Cotton
Elder F.W. Cotton, founder of the Faith Temple Church of God in Christ, organized the church in 1956. Our first place of worship was an American Legion Hall building located at 5145 Third Street in San Francisco, with a few members of his family: his wife, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter. Faith Temple was set up and declared a local church by the District Supt., Elder E.E. Hamilton, who later became the State Bishop of California Northwest Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of the Church of God in Christ, Inc. As he prayed God's blessing upon this ministry, his words were: "May God bless you and lead you on to victory." From that day on, the church began to grow. With the help of God and the faitful members who prayed so hard with Pastor Cotton, God surely blessed their labor.
One Day, while praying and crying out to God, the Lord sent their first member, Deacon Anthony. Then came Missionary Lovie Gault. From that point on, the membership began to outgrow a little church on Third Street. God moved on Pastor Cotton to buy property. Board members, Elder Robert L. Sanders, President; Deacon Luther Thomas, Vice President; Elder John E. Webb, Sr., Secretary; Deacon Claude Stanley, Treasurer; Deacon Albert Merritt, Chaplain; Deacon Henry Bodden, Sr. and Minister B. Raynor, worked closely and prayerfully with Pastor Coton to formulate plans, and build a house to be dedicated to God.
Elder F.W. Cotton initiated the first Building Fund Drive, led by Missionary Della Adams Tate. We raised a total of $1,200.00. The Faith Temple family had "come this far by faith." On August 1, 1958, our little church was able to buy two lots, 50 feet by 100 feet. The following year, the lots were paid off, completely. The people had a mind to work and God blessed the fruit of our labor. The Young Women's Christian Council led by Sister Lena Mae Busby, raised over $3,000.00 to buy a neon sign for the building. We had no building, but we were "walking by faith" believing that God's house would soon be built.
Elder John E. Webb, Sr. sketched a proposed drawing and submitted it to Mr. Williams S. Dunmore, a liscensed building contractor, to draw suitable plans for the proposed building. A Realtor, well known in the community, Harry M. Bloom, arranged financing for the challenge. Elder F.W. Cotton, Elder John Webb, Elder R.L. Sanders and Deacon Merritt used their homes as collateral and the financing was complete. Under Elder John Webb's direction as lead carpenter, the work began. Many volunteered to assist in the building process. The women of Faith Temple played a great role in the construction process by providing home cooked, hot meals each day, for the laborers.
Although, Elder Cotton was told by "on lookers" that he would never complete the building, on Sunday morning, September 3, 1961, by the grace of God, Pastor F.W. Cotton and the loving members of Faith Temple Church of God in Christ marched into a brand new building singing, "We've come this far by faith...leaning on the Lord."
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